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Typical Course Sequence

Students reading a page; student using a microscope; physiological model with test tubes

Typical degree path for a Bachelor of Science in biology:

First Year

Fall Term

  • BL150 Foundations of Biology 1*
  • BL151 Foundations of Biology 1 Lab* (1 credit)
  • CH101 General Chemistry I*
  • CH105 General Chemistry Lab I* (1 credit)
  • WR100 Effective Writing**
  • Language Core
  • Social Science Core

Spring Term

  • BL152 Foundations of Biology 2*
  • BL53 Foundations of Biology 2 Lab* (1 credit)
  • CH102 General Chemistry II*
  • CH106 General Chemistry Lab II* (1 credit)
  • HS100-Level History Course**
  • Language Core or
  • Elective
  • Social Science Core

Sophomore Year

Fall Term

  • BL154 Foundations of Biology 3*/**
  • BL155 Foundations of Biology 3 Lab* 
  • CH301 Organic Chemistry I*
  • CH307 Organic Chemistry Lab I*
  • EN101 Understanding Literature
  • PL201 Foundations of Philosophy or
  • TH201 Introduction to Theology
  • Visual & Performing Arts Core**

Spring Term

  • CH302 Organic Chemistry II*
  • CH308 Organic Chemistry Lab II* (1 credit)
  • PL200-Level Philosophical Perspectives Course or
  • Theology 200-Level Core
  • English 200 Level Core or 1 HS 300-Level Course
  • Biology Elective*/**
  • Elective

Junior Year

Fall Term

  • MA251 Calculus I or
  • MA252 Calculus II or
  • ST210 Introduction to Statistics or
  • ST265 Biostatistics*†
  • PH101 Introductory Physics I with Lab*
  • PL201 Introduction to Philosophy or
  • TH201 Introduction to Theology
  • Biology Elective*
  • Elective

Spring Term

  • PH102 Introductory Physics II with Lab*
  • Biology Elective*
  • Elective
  • Elective
  • Elective

Senior Year

Fall Term

  • Ethics Core
  • Biology Elective*
  • Biology Elective*
  • Elective
  • Elective#

Spring Term

  • Biology Elective*
  • Biology Elective*
  • Elective
  • Elective
  • Elective

* Required for major.

** Terms may be interchanged, but BL154/155 should be completed by the end of sophomore year.

† One math course is required for the biology major. A second math course may be required for medical, graduate, and other professional schools. An elective may be used for this purpose.

# Depending upon their progression through the major, students may not need these two elective courses to achieve the graduation requirement of 38 courses and also 120 credits.