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Welcome Home, New Students!

The Office of Student Support & Wellness Promotion (SSWP) is committed to advancing the overall well-being of our Loyola community. Our office participates on the Mental Health Task Force, partners with other departments, faculty, and staff in the community as an active resource committed to our mission within the Jesuit tradition of cura personalis.  Students may be encouraged to seek support from our office when one is facing life challenges (academic, personal, financial, having trouble with making connections, low motivation, substances). Students may also receive direct outreach from our office to offer support when a concerned student, faculty or staff member shares your name with us. Our outreach is not conduct related. We are good listeners, and we help students leverage available resources (for example the Counseling Center, Disability Support Services, Residence life & Housing, Undergraduate Studies etc.) by making direct connections with community partners to help get students get back-on-track for student success.

There are resources which outline eight dimensions for balanced ongoing wellness. Health, well-being, and quality of life are optimized when neither dimension is overlooked over time. Health is constant and eternal, and our needs can change at different points of time. It’s important to pay attention to what your mind, body and spirit needs, there are many resources on campus to support you as well as within the Baltimore area. Reach out for help when you need it!

Student Support and Wellness Promotion is committed to Loyola’s commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion. Our work is anchored in compassion, appreciating human dignity, affirming the inherent value of every person, and cultivating a genuine appreciation for our intersecting identities.

We encourage anyone who is concerned about a student’s well-being or overall success to share their concern through the electronic Care Team referral form.

Caring for the whole person takes the support of the whole community.

Contact Us


Monday-Friday, 8:30 a.m.-5 p.m.

Seton Court 02B (West side of campus)