Loyola University Maryland

Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry

Dr. Daniel M. Perrine

Daniel PerrineAssociate Professor

Email: dperrine@loyola.edu
Phone: 410-617-2328
Office: Donnelly Science 352


  • Ph.D. (chem) University of Illinois (Chicago)
  • M.Div. (theol) Loyola University (Chicago)
  • M.A. (phil) Fordham University


The Chemistry of Mind-Altering DrugsDr. Perrine has recently completed The Chemistry of Mind-Altering Drugs, a discussion of the scientific, social, cultural, and religious implications of psychotropic drug activity. Go to the publisher's description of the book.

"Ich kann mein Lob zusammenfassend zum Ausdruck bringen, indem ich sage, dass ich keine andere Publikation kenne, in der die Chemie der bewusstseinsveraendernden Drogen, zusammen mit ihrer Geschichte, Pharmakologie und ihrem kulturellen Aspekt, kompetenter, umfassender, interessanter und anschaulicher dargestellt ist.  Zu einer solchen Leistung ist nur ein durch Erleuchtung begeisterter Chemiker faehig....  In diesem Sinne sende ich Ihnen meine besten Wuensche ... in beruflicher und mystischer Verbundenheit."

Albert Hofmann, Dr. Phil. II., Dr. H.C. mult.
Former Director of Research
Sandoz Pharmaceuticals

"You have done a beautiful job in putting together what is a completely novel contribution to the field. . . .  A superb job...in all instances an interesting text which is quite rigorous."

Solomon H. Snyder, M.D.
Director and Distinguished Service Professor of Neuroscience, Pharmacology, and Psychiatry, Department of Neuroscience
The Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland

Area of Specialty 

  • Organic Chemistry
Sarah Haley

Sarah Haley

Meet Sarah, a physician who calls upon her liberal arts education to build purposeful connections with her patients

Biochemistry, Philosophy