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Criteria for Minor Courses

For a course to be designated as gender and sexuality studies (GS), two-thirds (2/3) of the course content must meet one or more of the nine criteria below:

  1. A significant emphasis on the distinctive experience of women, men, or transgender individuals, situated historically, culturally or politically;
  2. A significant emphasis on the distinctive experience of lesbian, gay, or bisexual individuals, or members of other sexual minorities, situated historically, culturally or politically;
  3. A significant emphasis on masculinities and/or femininities and/or other gender identities as categories of analysis;
  4. A significant emphasis on gay and/or straight and/or other sexual identities as categories of analysis;
  5. A significant emphasis on the representation of humans as gendered or sexualized subjects;
  6. A significant emphasis on the ways in which gender and/or sexuality intersect with other systems of inequality, such as race, class, religion, ethnicity, and age;
  7. A significant focus on women and/or transgender authors or investigators, or on primary sources that directly address or express issues of gendered lives (letters, diaries, political tracts, etc.);
  8. A significant focus on gay, lesbian, bisexual, and/or sexual minority authors or investigators, or on primary sources that directly address or express issues of sexualized lives (letters, diaries, political tracts, etc.);
  9. The deployment of a feminist pedagogy, or a pedagogy that raises critical awareness of the gendered dimensions of the course topic.

Qualifying a Course

For Faculty: to qualify a course that you teach for a gender and sexuality studies designation

Faculty should email Amanda Konradi, Director of Gender and Sexuality Studies:  Please submit a brief statement that indicates the name of the course and which criteria you believe it fulfills, along with an electronic copy of your current syllabus and any illustrative assignments.


For Students: to qualify a course from another institution (study abroad or transfer credit)

Students should set up an appointment with Amanda Konradi, Director of Gender and Sexuality Studies, if they are on campus and may correspond by email if abroad,

  • If the course is yet to be taken: Please provide a current syllabus from the instructor that clearly indicates the discipline, reading material and expected assignments.
  • If the course has been taken: Please provide a brief statement that indicates which criteria above that you believe it fulfills, along with an electronic copy of your current syllabus and any illustrative assignments you completed.