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Tutorial Quiz 3 Slide 1a, 1b, 1c

How to Avoid Violations

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Title: How to Avoid Violations




Situations to Avoid

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Title: Situations to Avoid

Slide text: Violations often occur when students find themselves in the following situations: Procrastination, "Sticky Situations", "Grey Areas"

Time Management / Procrastination

Verbose description:

Title: Time Management / Procrastination

Text box 1: The Situation: Students are almost always involved in more than just their academics.  There's athletics, clubs, community service, social activities, internships, and jobs -- what that doesn't always do is leave time to complete papers, projects, and other assignments.

Text box 2: The Problem: Let's say you've got 5 classes: midterms are coming up, which include papers and tests. But you also have the meetings for Relay for Life, meetings for Pre-Law Society, and don't forget tennis practice!  Before you know it, you lose track of the 10 page research paper that is now due tomorrow.  You also want to put time into a new relationship with someone you met this semester.  How did your schedule get so out of control?

Text box 3: A Solution?: Time management can be difficult to do automatically.  Most people have to do it intentionally: prioritize, schedule, and write it all down!  Would using a planner be helpful?  Are you saying "no" to things that might be crowding your schedule?  Remember that there are resources to help you with time management and procrastination: The Study and the Counseling Center are two examples.