Brenda Ibutu, Kari A. O'Grady, Ph.D.
Counseling Transsexaul Women: Understanding Interventions and Implications from a Spiritual/Religious Perspective
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At one time or another, everyone has experienced the sadness and loneliness of not
fitting in. Now, imagine that the way you don’t fit in is that you look like a man
on the outside, but in your heart and soul, you know God made you a woman. That’s
certainly enough to make you feel alone in the world, but then imagine that there
are very few mental health professionals who can even begin to help you address how
you feel. Maybe even worse is the knowledge that if you take steps to make the outside
of your body match your soul, you will likely lose your spouse, possibly your job,
your kids, and your friends.
Within the mental health profession, more and more counselors are realizing the importance
of spirituality and religion in working with the client as a whole. As is true in
the general population, some transsexual individuals view spirituality and/or religion
as extremely important to their life experience. Counselors will be better prepared
to walk with transsexual individuals by understanding some ways in which transgender
women experience transition in their lives and bodies, exploring their spiritual/religious
process, and learning how to help them adjust to their new experience of gender.
An emerging field in the study of transgender communities is the concept of resilience.
Some transgender research has shown that connecting with a supportive community has
been beneficial to the ongoing resilience of transsexual women. However, there continues
to be a dirth of research, as seen in a database search of PsychInfo in which spiritual
resilience garners 1,387 results and spiritual resilience and transgender comes back
with zero. Results show that much more research is needed to help mental health professional’s
better work with this population.
This poster focuses on background research and, most importantly, practical interventions
from the participants relating to those aspects of the counseling relationship which
they find most helpful. More than any other comment, participants report that they
want a counselor to be honest about their level of experience with this population,
and their willingness to work with and learn from them. Additionally, spirituality
and/or religion, according to some participants, are important resources for many
going through transition, one participant saying, “Do not assume that all religious
experiences have been bad, some may have been very good”.
Counselor education implications are also explored, taking into account participant
perspectives as well as expert research. It is vital for mental health professionals
to be prepared when they encounter transsexual women, as well as others in transgender
communities. Highlights of the research include having a basic understanding of the
nuances of gender variance; Gender Dysphoria may not always be the diagnosis or presenting
issue, be able to work with clients in a holistic manner, and to see the whole person
and understand that the CLINET IS the expert on their own life.
This poster provides attendees practical information that will increase their knowledge
of the skills necessary to effectively work with transsexual women.
Quick Details
Applications to present will be accepted the week of February 17th!