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Rebekah Eklund

Department Chair of Theology, Associate Professor of Theology


  • Introducing Christian Ethics, second edition, with Samuel Wells and Ben Quash (Oxford, UK: Wiley, 2017).
  • “Hot Jesus, Black Messiah, Suffering Son of God: How Jesus Films Shape Our Moral Imaginations,” Journal of Religion and Film 21 no. 1 (April 2017), Article 33, available at
  •  “From ‘Hosanna!’ to ‘Crucify!’: The Fickle Crowds in the Four Gospels,” Bulletin for Biblical Research 26.1(2016): 21–42.
  • Jesus Wept: The Significance of Jesus’ Laments in the New Testament, Library of New Testament Studies Series (London: T&T Clark, 2015).
  • “‘To Us, the Word: The Double-Logos of Hebrews 4:12-13,” Journal of Theological Interpretation 9.1 (2015): 101-116.
  • “Jesus Laments (Or Does He?): The Witness of the Fourfold Gospel,” in Doing Theology for the Church: Essays in Honor of Klyne Snodgrass, ed. Rebekah A. Eklund and John E. Phelan Jr. (Covenant Press; Wipf & Stock, 2014).