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Marie Heath, Ed.D.

Assistant Professor
Marie K. Heath, Ed.D.
 Marie Heath, Ed.D.

Assistant Professor of Educational Technology
P: 410-617-1509
Office: GCTC-26R


Ed.D., Towson University, Instructional Technology
M.A.T., Towson University, Secondary Social Studies
B.A., Towson University, History 



Dr. Heath (she/her/hers) is an Assistant Professor of Educational Technology at Loyola University Maryland. Prior to her work in higher education, Dr. Heath taught high school social studies in Baltimore County Public Schools. Her teaching experiences influenced her research which focuses on the intersection of education, civic engagement, and technology in order to foster social change. Dr. Heath is the co-editor of the CITE Social Studies journal, chair of the Critical Theory in Teaching and Technology (CTTT) special interest group (SIG) for the Society for Information and Technology and Teacher Education (SITE), co-founder of the Civics of Technology project, and past chair of the Social Studies SIG for SITE. Dr. Heath is a Faculty Associate at the Center for Equity, Leadership, and Social Justice in Education.

Research Interest:

Dr. Heath’s belief that public schools should promote a robust and multi-racial democracy through liberatory education guides her research. Her research agenda asks, how can we work toward just technology in education? To answer this question, she investigates the intersection of education, civic engagement, and technology to foster social change. She uses her research to interrogate educational technology, confront systems of power, and advocate for teacher activism. Dr. Heath has published articles on technoethics and technosketpicism, social justice and educational technology, and social action and technology.

Recent Publications:

Heath, M.K., & Segal, P. (2021). What pre-service teacher technology integration conceals and reveals: “Colorblind” technology in schools. Computers and Education. Online first.

Gleason, B.W., & Heath, M.K., (2021). Injustice embedded in Google Classroom and Google Meet: A techno-ethical audit of remote educational technologies. Italian Journal of Educational Technology. IJET-Online First.

Heath, M.K., (2020). Buried treasure or ill-gotten spoils?: The ethics of data mining and learning analytics in online instruction. Educational Technology, Research, & Development, (69), 331-334.

Krutka, D. G., Heath, M. K., & Willet, K. B. S., (2019). Foregrounding technoethics: Toward critical perspectives in technology and teacher education. Journal of Technology and Teacher Education, 27(4), 555-574.

Heath, M.K., (2018). What kind of (digital) citizen: A between studies analysis of research and teaching for democracy. International Journal of Information and Learning Technology. 35(5), 342-356.