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Qualifying a Course for the Minor

Policy Statement on Catholic Studies Minor Courses

The Catholic studies minor consists of courses which are devoted to the examination of topics, themes, or questions pertinent to Roman Catholic doctrine and faith in its various aspects, illustrations of which are found in literature, art, philosophy, the natural and social sciences, historical studies, business disciplines, and theology. Any course designed to promote serious reflection on the Roman Catholic tradition in its various forms of development or its diverse expressions may be submitted to the Catholic Studies executive committee for approval as a constituent course in the Catholic studies minor program.

The Catholic studies minor is designed to make minimal demands upon faculty or academic departments. Existing courses, or courses developed by professors in service to the needs or interests of their own departments, will form the constituent courses of the Catholic studies minor. Participation in the Catholic studies minor by faculty is entirely voluntary and should not negatively affect their obligations to their own academic departments.

Courses already offered under the auspices of academic departments that address matters germane to Roman Catholic doctrines, traditions, or culture may be submitted to the Catholic Studies steering committee for inclusion in the Catholic studies minor curriculum. While in most cases, the preponderance of subject matter of approved courses will be Roman Catholic in nature, at a minimum approved courses will place a premium on communicating the relevant facets of the Roman Catholic perspective. New courses, or courses being developed, for the Catholic studies minor must first be approved by one's academic department before being submitted to the Catholic Studies executive committee.