New Course Offerings
HS 309: Law, Lawyers, and Litigants in European History
HS 355D: African American History as Public History
HS 309: Law, Lawyers, and Litigants in European History

With Dr. Brandon Parlopiano
- MWF 1-1:50 p.m.
- MWF 2-2:50 p.m.
This course will examine the institutions, ideas, and practice of law in Europe from the Roman Republic to the Enlightenment. Student will not only study the law and legal culture of ancient and medieval Europe, but also gain first-hand experience of working with pre-modern legal sources.
Counts for 300-level history core.
Any questions? Please contact
HS 355D: African American History as Public History

With Prof. Felicia Jamison
- 355D.01 MW 3-4:15 p.m.
- 355D.02 MW 4:30-5:45 p.m.
Whether it is 1920s congressinoal efforts to erect a national statue to the black women who nurtured young, white children during slavery, 21st century efforts to create memorials for the victims of lynchings, or Twitter conversations about Erik Killmonger, African American history has long been a matter of public debate and representation. This course considers how museums, history sites, films, children's books, pubnlic school lesson plans, and the braoder public have interpreted African American history since the alte 19th century. Student learnt he core themes of public history such as shared authority, memory, ethical frameworks, and the practive of history in public spaces, all while engaging with local Baltimore history sites.
Fulfills the 300-level history core requirement and the diversity requirement; counts toward the american studies minor and the African and African studies minor.