Faculty & Staff

- 410-617-2815
- prblum@loyola.edu
- Humanities 050E

Richard P. Boothby Professor
Research Interests: Psychoanalytic Theory, Contemporary Continental Philosophy, German Idealism
- 410-617-2890
- boothby@loyola.edu
- Humanities 050D

Rev. John J. Conley, S.J. Bernard P. Knott Chair of Philosophy and Theology
Research Interests: Modern French Philosophy, Ethics, Aesthetics

Francis J. Cunningham , Ph.D. Emeritus Professor
Research Interests: American Philosophy, Process, Bioethics
- 410-617-2500
- fcunning@loyola.edu
- Humanities 050F

Bret W. Davis, Ph.D. T.J. Higgins S.J. Chair in Philosophy, Professor
Research Interests: Asian, Continental, and Cross-Cultural Philosophy

Joseph Farrell, Ph.D. Associate Teaching Professor
Research Interests: Theory of Human Nature, Phenomenology, Ethical Theory, Medical Ethics, and Business Ethics
- 410-617-5409
- jfarrell2@loyola.edu
- Humanities 050J

David Gordon, Ph.D. Assistant Teaching Professor
Research Interests: History of Philosophy, Environmental Philosophy, Philosophy of Science and Evolutionary Biology, Philosophy of Religion, Applied Ethics
- 410-617-5154
- dhgordon@loyola.edu
- Humanities 043d

Nina Guise-Gerrity Assistant Teaching Professor
Research Interests: Ancient Greek Philosophy, Political and Economic Philosophy, Ethics & Technology
- 410-617-2000
- nguisegerrity@loyola.edu
- Humanities 039

Fuat Gürsözlü, Ph.D. Department Chair, Associate Professor
Research Interests: Social and Political Philosophy, Political Theory, Contemporary Continental Philosophy
- 410-617-5229
- fgursozlu@loyola.edu
- Humanities 050K

Selin Gürsözlü, Ph.D. Associate Teaching Professor
Research Interests: Ethics (with special attention to Virtue Ethics and Feminist Ethics), Social and Political Philosophy
- 410-617-5229
- sgursozlu@loyola.edu
- Humanities 050K

Catriona Hanley, Ph.D. Associate Professor
Research Interests: Heidegger, Aristotle, 20th Century Continental, Philosophy of Peace
- 410-617-2430
- chanley@loyola.edu
- Humanities 050Q

Drew Leder, Ph.D. Professor
Research Interests: Continental Philosophy, Philosophy of Medicine, Asian Philosophy, Environmental Philosophy
- 410-617-2325
- dleder@loyola.edu
- Humanities 050o

Jessica Locke, Ph.D. Associate Professor
Research Interests: Buddhist Ethics, Buddhist Social and Political Philosophy, Moral Psychology, Cross-Cultural Philosophy, Phenomenology
- 410-617-2315
- jelocke@loyola.edu
- Humanities 050C

Graham McAleer Professor
Research Interests: Business Ethics, Moral Theory, Philosophy of Law, Social and Political Philosophy, Catholic Social Thought, Phenomenology, Medieval Philosophy
- 410-617-3037
- gmcaleer@loyola.edu
- Humanities 050H

- 410-617-5447
- mpage1@loyola.edu
- Humanities 050G

Mark Sentesy Wagner, Ph.D Visiting Assistant Professor
Research Interests: Philosophy of Nature, Ontology, Technology

Dale Snow, Ph.D. Associate Professor
Research Interests: German Idealism, History of Modern Philosophy, Feminism
- 410-617-2026
- dsnow2@loyola.edu
- Humanities 050N

James Snow, Ph.D. Assistant Teaching Professor
Research Interests: Genocide, Feminism, 19th Century German Philosophy
- 410-617-2050
- jsnow@loyola.edu
- Humanities 050E

Timothy J. Stapleton, Ph.D. Emeritus Professor
Research Interests: Phenomenology, Existentialism, History of Philosophy
- 410-617-2555
- tstapleton@loyola.edu
- Humanities 050N

Jeffrey C. Witt, Ph.D. Professor
Research Interests: Late-Medieval Philosophy, Fourteenth-Century Thought, Philosophy of Religion
- 410-617-2947
- jcwitt@loyola.edu
- Humanities 050M