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Recent Offerings

The following courses have recently been offered by the department of classics:

Fall 2023

CL 205 Gladiators and Olympians - Dr. Walsh
CL 211 Classical Mythology - Dr. Palmore
CL 223 History and Storytelling in the Bible - Dr. McGinnis
CL 241 Western Art: Paleolithic to Gothic - Dr. Kerry
CL 254 History of Christmas - Dr. Walsh
CL 350 Prophets and Peacemakers - Dr. McGinnis
CL 381 Aristotelian Political Philosophies - Dr. Schaub
GK 101 Introductory Greek I - Dr. Palmore
GK 301 Advanced Greek I - Dr. Taylor
LT 101 Introductory Latin I - Dr. Taylor
LT 102 Introductory Latin II - Dr. Palmore
LT 103 Intermediate Latin - Dr. McCreight
LT 104 Latin Golden Age Prose and Poetry - Dr. Palmore

Spring 2023

CL 210 Medical Terminology - Dr. Cushman
CL 211 Classical Mythology - Dr. Palmore
CL 226 Women in Christian Tradition - Dr. Reibe
CL 228 Peace and War in Ancient Rome - Dr. McCreight
CL 241 Western Art: Paleolithic to Gothic - Dr. Boeye
CL 307 Peace and War in Ancient Rome - Dr. McCreight
CL 318 Greek and Roman Art - Dr. Taylor
CL 353 Special Topics in Gospels: Beatitudes - Dr. Eklund
CL 366 Studies in Plato - Dr. Boothby
GK 102 Introductory Greek II - Dr. McCreight
GK 303 Selected Readings Greek I - Dr. Walsh
LT 102 Introductory Latin II - Dr. Walsh
LT 103 Intermediate Latin - Dr. Palmore
LT 104 Latin Golden Age Prose & Poetry - Dr. Palmore
LT 333 Sallust - Dr. McCreight

Spring 2022

CL 214 The Ancient Novel - Dr. Palmore
CL 241 Western Art: Paleolithic to Gothic - Dr. Boeye
CL 318 Greek and Roman Art - Dr. Taylor
CL 324 Seminar: Persecutions of Christians in the Roman World - Dr. Walsh
CL 350 Prophets and Peacemakers - Dr. McGinnis
GK 102 Introductory Greek II - Dr. Taylor
GK 301 Advanced Greek - Dr. Taylor
LT 102 Introductory Latin II - Dr. Palmore
LT 103 Intermediate Latin - Dr. Palmore
LT 104 Latin Golden Age Prose & Poetry - Dr. Walsh
LT 310 Roman Tragedy - Dr. Miola

Fall 2021

CL 211 Classical Mythology - Dr. Palmore
CL 307 Peace and War in Ancient Rome - Dr. McCreight
CL 313 History of Christmas - Dr. Walsh
CL 390 Political Challenge of Socrates - Dr. Boothby and Dr. Franz
GK 101 Introductory Greek - Dr. Taylor
GK 103 Intermediate Greek - Dr. Walsh
LT 101 Introductory Latin I - Dr. Palmore
LT 102 Introductory Latin II - Dr. McCreight
LT 103 Intermediate Latin - Dr. McCreight
LT 104 Latin Golden Age Prose & Poetry - Dr. Palmore
LT 354 Petronius - Dr. McCreight

Spring 2021 Courses

CL 212 The Classical Epics -  Dr. Palmore
CL 241 Survey of Art Paleolithic to Gothic -Dr. Boeye
CL 225 Biographical Tales of the Bible - Dr. Brown
CL 327 Volcanoes, Fires, and Floods: Disasters in Ancient Rome - Walsh
CL 337D The Multicultural Roman Empire - Dr. McCreight 
CL 380 Platonic Political Philosophy - Dr. Schaub
GK 102 Introductory Greek II - Dr. Palmore
GK 301 Advanced Greek I - Dr. Walsh
LT 102 Introduction Latin II - Dr. Palmore
LT 103 Intermediate Latin - Dr. McCreight
LT 104 Latin Golden Age Prose and Poetry - Dr. McCreight
LT 375 Latin Elegy - Dr. Palmore

Fall 2020 Courses

CL 211 Classical Mythology - Dr. Palmore
CL 225 Biographical Tales of Bible - Dr. Brown
CL241 Survey of Art: Paleolithic to Gothic - Dr. Boeye
CL 307 Peace and War in Ancient Rome - Dr. McCreight
CL 390 Political Challenge of Socrates - Dr. Boothby and Dr. Franz 
CL 450 Senior Honors Thesis - Dr. McCreight
GK 101 Introductory Greek I - Dr. Palmore
GK 103 Intermediate Greek - Dr. McCreight
LT 101 Introductory Latin I - Dr. Palmore
LT 102 Introductory Latin II - Dr. Palmore
LT 103 Intermediate Latin - Dr. McCreight
LT 104 Latin Golden Age Prose & Peotry - Dr. Miola
LT 315 Tacitus and Suetonius - Dr. McCreight

Spring 2020

CL 213 Greek Drama - Dr. McCreight
CL 226 Women in Christian Tradition - Dr. Cochran
CL 241 Survey of Art: Paleolithic to Gothic - Dr. Boeye
CL 312 History of Ancient Greece - Dr. Taylor
CL 327 Disasters of Ancient Rome - Dr. Walsh
GK 102 Introductory Greek II - Dr. Taylor
GK 303 Selected Greek Readings - Dr. Walsh
LT 102 Introductory Latin II - Dr. Palmore
LT 103 Intermediate Latin - Dr. Palmore , Dr. Walsh
LT 104 Latin Golden Age Prose & Poetry - Dr. McCreight
LT 380 Ovid - Dr. Walsh
CL 211 Classical Mythology - Dr. Palmore
CL 225 Biographical Tales of Bible - Dr. Brown
CL 241 Survey of Art: Paleolithic to Gothic - Dr. Boeye
CL 307 Peace and War in Ancient Rome - Dr. McCreight
CL 390 Political Challenge of Socrates - Dr. Boothby & Dr. Franz
CL 450 Senior Honors Thesis - Dr. McCreight
GK 101 Introductory Greek I - Dr. McCreight
GK 103 Intermediate Greek - Dr. McCreight
LT 101 Introductory Latin I - Dr. Palmore
LT 102 Introductory Latin II - Dr. Palmore
LT 103 Intermediate Latin - Dr. McCreight
LT 104 Latin Golden Age Prose & Poetry - Dr. Miola
LT 315 Tacitus and Suetonius - Dr. McCreight

Fall 2019

CL 211 Classical Mythology - Dr. Palmore
CL 225 Biographical Tales of Bible - Dr. McGinnis
CL 241 Survey of Art: Paleolithic to Gothic - Dr. Boeye
CL 300 Death of the Roman Republic - Dr. Taylor
CL 303 Ethics: Ancient, Modern & Christian Approach - Dr. Moser
CL 324 Seminar: Persecution of Christians in the Roman World - Dr. Walsh
CL 347 Jesus and Gospels - Dr. Eklund
CL 381 Aristotelian Political Philosophy - Dr. Franz
GK 101 Introductory Greek I - Dr. Taylor
GK 103 Intermediate Greek - Dr. Palmore
LT 101 Introductory Latin I - Dr. Palmore
LT 102 Introductory Latin II - Dr. Palmore
LT 103 Intermediate Latin - Dr. McCreight
LT 104 Latin Golden Age Prose & Poetry - Dr. McCreight
LT 340 Roman Comedy - Dr. Miola







Contact Us

Dr. Martha Taylor
Department Chair
Humanities Building, Room 321b

Nadine Fenchak
Program Assistant
Humanities Building, Room 322A