Loyola faculty member receives 2019 Alpha Sigma Nu Book Award

The 40th Annual Alpha Sigma Nu Book Award has been awarded to Mickey Fenzel, Ph.D., professor of pastoral counseling for a book he co-edited, Responding to the Call for Educational Justice: Transformative Catholic-Led Initiatives in Urban Education.
The Alpha Sigma Nu Book Award, which is in its 40th year, is the only book award that honors scholarly writing at Jesuit universities. Fenzel received the education award within the Professional Studies category.
“It’s an honor to receive recognition from Alpha Sigma Nu for this book,” said Fenzel. “There are several Catholic initiatives from grades K-12 that are making a difference to improve education for marginalized groups, and the objective of this book was to tell those stories.”
As part of the award, Fenzel will receive a $1,000 check and a commemorative plaque, which will be presented at an Alpha Sigma Nu event held at Loyola at a later date.
Fenzel co-edited Responding to the Call for Educational Justice with Melodie Wyttenbach, Ph.D., executive director of the Roche Center for Catholic Education at Boston College. The book focuses on innovative K-12 schools from Cristo Rey schools to Homeboy Industries in Los Angeles and Fe y Alegría schools throughout Central and South America, that are providing high-quality educational programs for underserved children, adolescents, and adults.
Robert Helfenbein, Ph.D., associate dean and professor of curriculum studies, and Peter Litchka, Ed.D., professor of education and director of the Educational Leadership Program, also contributed to the book.
This is the second Alpha Sigma Nu Book Award Fenzel has received. In 2010, his book, Improving Urban Middle Schools: Lessons from the Nativity Schools, also received an award.
“Our accomplished faculty conduct research and scholarship in a number of fields,” said Amanda M. Thomas, Ph.D., provost and vice president for academic affairs. “It is especially gratifying when a faculty member’s contributions are acknowledged and celebrated at a national level in an area that is focused on marginalized populations. The Jesuits are embracing four apostolic preferences, and this book celebrates two of the four, focusing on the work that is being done to walk with those who have fewer resources, as well as accompany youth. We are very proud of Dr. Fenzel’s work and his award.”