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Cura Sharing Groups


"We have all known the long loneliness
and we have learned that the only solution is love,
and that love comes with community."
-Dorothy Day


Cura -sharing groups derive their name from the Jesuit value cura personalis, “care for the whole person.” We in Campus Ministry like to interpret this value as care for the individual, as an individual—with all the experiences, identities, and complications that come along with being human. Cura offers an avenue of connection, so that we can provide for each other the kind of love and care that can only come from being in community.

Cura groups gather each week to reflect, share, and grow together, discussing topics that are relevant to your lives and exploring different methods of spirituality and mindfulness. Groups include 5-10 participants and are led by 1-2 student leaders. We offer both general groups and affinity spaces for students with shared identities. 

Group Overview

Cura Groups are primarily led by student facilitators. Facilitators will work with the Assistant Director for Faith Formation to plan and implement meeting agendas to their respective small groups. Groups can meet either weekly or semiweekly depending on the interest of group members.  

Sign up for a Cura Sharing Group

  Email Mark Dushel,, with any questions. 

Brittany shares why she joined Cura