Student Leadership
Interested in developing your skills as a leader? Leaders play an integral role in many campus ministry programs, fostering an inclusive and welcoming community, deeper connection and reflection and supporting students as they engage in meaning-making, prayer and spiritual development. Campus Ministry has a variety of positions for students ranging from full-year paid leadership positions to partial year volunteer commitments. All students are welcome and encouraged to participate. For information, explore the links below or stop by the Campus Ministry office in Cohn Hall.
Leadership Positions
Paid Full-Year
*applications for Student Internships are available during the spring semester each year*
Volunteer Positions
- Liturgical Ministers: Lectors, Eucharistic Ministers, and Hospitality Ministers
- Music Ministry
- Cura Sharing Group Facilitators
- F.I.R.S.T. Pre-Fall Leaders
- Retreat Leaders: Ignite, Kairos, Interfaith, Chapel Choir, Men's, Women's
- Roots of Refuge Ecumenical Community Lay Leaders
- Chosen Generation Gospel Choir Executive Board
- Interfaith Leaders
- Immersion Peer Facilitator