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Employment opportunities and information

Information on Disclosure

  • National Collaborative Workforce on Disability describes disclosure from how and when one should disclose all the way to requesting accommodations.
  • Choose Work provides information that pertains to disclosure of disability, including the benefits it can provide in the workplace.
  • Equal Employment Opportunity Commission is a great resource for those seeking to understand their employment rights through workplace accommodation laws.

Mentorship and Networking

  • National Disability Mentoring Coalition is a great resource for students and recent graduates with disabilities to connect with professionals for opportunities in job fields of their interest.
  • Disability In offers an expansive assortment of opportunities, including a 6-month career mentoring program opportunity for students and recent graduates with a disability.

Internship Opportunities

  • American Association of People with Disabilities provides many different internship opportunities for students and recent graduates with a disability. Students who have worked within the program have been afforded internship opportunities in congressional offices, federal agencies, and in other non-profit organizations.

Federal Job Opportunities

  • The Department of Justice provides great information for how individuals with a disability seeking employment can do so through the “Schedule A” resource. 
  • The Workforce Recruitment Program (WRP) is a recruitment and referral program that connects federal and private-sector employers nationwide with highly motivated college students and recent graduates with disabilities who are eager to demonstrate their abilities in the workplace through summer or permanent jobs.

Online Hiring Opportunities

  • Ability Jobs is an online service where 100% of job postings are from employers who are seeking to hire individuals with a disability.
Additional information on employment can be found on the Loyola Career Center Resources page.

Latest News - "Excel" Support Group

Excel is a virtual support group for students who have a disability or face learning challenges. Excel provides a space for students to discuss their unique challenges related to virtual learning and find support to navigate learning hurdles. Students will also be able to share resources, learn stress management skills, and discuss self-care.  Students do not need to be registered with Disability and Accessibility Services to join this group. Learn more about Excel and other support groups with the Counseling Center.