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Foreign Embassies

Finding the internet site for certain embassies can be a like finding a needle in a haystack! The good news is all of them have been grouped on one foreign embassies site, giving you the opportunity to inform yourself on any and all countries you are interested in visiting.  We encourage you to visit the embassy of your study abroad program, where a lot of your questions can be answered.


Contact Us

Phone: 410-617-2910
Office: Humanities 132

Additional contact information


In order to apply, all students must attend a Study Abroad 101 (Powerpoint) session before the application deadline. The application deadline for all Fall, Spring, and year-long opportunities during academic year 2024-25 is December 4, 2024.

The deadline for opportunities taking place during academic year 2025-26 will be announced during the Spring 2024 semester.

Study Abroad 101 (Powerpoint)