
Messina supports and enhances a vibrant campus climate that engages students, faculty, administrators, and the broader community in distinct and meaningful ways, including especially an emphasis on academic excellence and intellectual inquiry.
Messina is named for the city in Sicily, Italy, where the Jesuits established their first college to welcome lay students. The college at Messina set the tone for how Jesuit education has endured and evolved throughout its nearly 500-year history—through a commitment to academic excellence attained across a range of disciplines, and to the development of the whole person.
At Loyola, Messina connects our faculty, administrators, and first-year students with the rich Jesuit tradition of innovation, academic excellence, and a commitment to community. By the end of their first year at Loyola, students will view Messina as having contributed to their development as whole persons, prepared both academically and socially to continue their journey at Loyola and in the world.
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