Advisory Board & Implementation Committee
An Advisory Board and Implementation Committee provide ongoing stewardship for the development and implementation of the Messina Initiative.
Messina (formerly Living Learning) Advisory Board Charge
This Committee is an advisory committee. Faculty members of this committee are appointed by Faculty Affairs in consultation with the faculty co-director of Messina for three years. The Messina Advisory Board is an ongoing board. The charge of the Board is to serve as the leadership body concerning the stewardship of Messina for all first-year students in all of its aspects, curricular, cocurricular, and extracurricular. The Board is responsible for assuring that the learning aims of the Program are met and that they conform to the Undergraduate Learning Aims. The Board also will be responsible for the integration of the Catholic Intellectual tradition into the Program, theme generation, organization, and review, the development of the discernment component of the program consistent with Jesuit aims and pedagogies, and faculty and Student Development personnel recruitment; faculty of the Board will be responsible for all appropriate curricular elements of the Program. The Board also may develop and maintain appropriate sub-committees, consistent with University governance, to monitor specific program elements. The Board will provide reports to and, where appropriate, advise the Vice Presidents for Academic Affairs and Student Development, and the Undergraduate Curriculum Committee. (Approved by the Academic Senate February 15, 2011)
- Neil Andrito, Director of Student Life
- Rev. Timothy Brown, S.J. (Office of Mission Integration Representative)
- Marisa Camardella, Student Representative (Evergreen)
- Timothy Clark, Assistant Professor, Mathematics and Statistics (Natural Sciences Faculty Representative)
- Elissa Derrickson, Dean of Undergraduate and Graduate Studies
- Theresa DiDonato, Assistant Professor, Psychology Department (Social Science Faculty Representative)
- Elise Gower, Associate Director, Center for Community, Service, and Justice (CCSJ Representative)
- Nina Guise-Gerrity, Lecturer, Philosophy (Humanities Faculty Representative)
- Afra Hersi, Associate Professor, Teacher Education (School of Education Faculty Representative)
- Lily Prince, President, Student Government Association (Student Representative)
- Michael Puma, Student Development Co-Director of Messina
- James Snow, Faculty Co-Director of Messina
- Christina Spearman, Assistant Vice President/Dean of Students (Student Development Representative)
- Joseph Walsh, Professor, Classics (Honors Program Representative)
- TBD, (Sellinger School Faculty Representative - out of area)
Living Learning Implementation Committee Charge
The Ad Hoc Implementation Committee on First-Year Living Learning Communities is convened at various points in time as needed. The charge of the Committee is to determine logistics, workflows, and resources and allocations necessary for program implementation and maintenance. The Committee has worked closely and collaboratively with the Messina Advisory Board. The Committee’s recommendations have been sent to the Loyola Conference for approval. The Committee may develop and maintain appropriate sub-committees. Members of the Committee attend the Academic Senate and Loyola Conference meetings when the governance bodies consider the Committee’s recommendations. (Approved by the Loyola Conference March 22, 2011)
- Academic Advising and Support Center
- Academic Affairs
- Admission
- Dean of Undergraduate Studies
- Enrollment Management
- Faculty Affairs
- Institutional Advancement
- Loyola College
- Office of the Registrar
- School of Education
- Sellinger School
- Student Administrative Services
- Student Development
- Student Life