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University Alberto Hurtado (UAH)-Santiago, Chile

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*Please be advised: The course approvals and equivalencies provided are the most current we have. Once accepted into a study abroad program, students will have an academic interview with the program coordinator and will be advised on potential course offerings.

Apply to this Program


The metropolis of Santiago is South America’s fifth largest city, and home to more than six million. Located near the center of the long and narrow Chile, Santiago sits in a bowl-shaped valley with the towering Andes mountains nearly always in view. Here you will find world-class cuisine, exotic suburban parks, neoclassical architecture, and all the trappings of a modern economic center.

Universidad Alberto Hurtado (UAH) is a Jesuit university in center of Santiago of Chile, well known for its educational quality and social mission. The University places particular emphasis on the fields of social science and humanities, in order to understand the complexity of the economic, political and cultural problems that form the Chilean, and indeed Latin American, social reality.

Criteria for Acceptance

  • Typically sophomores and juniors with a cumulative average of 3.0, but also students with a 2.8 average should apply;
  • Although this is a program primarily Spanish majors or minors, Other majors and minors may apply; courses mostly taught in Spanish
  • Students who can find courses which fit their Loyola academic program and allow for full time participation and who are neither on disciplinary probation nor have a history of serious disciplinary problems should apply;
  • All students must complete SN101-104 before they can study in Santiago, and SN majors and minors are strongly encouraged to complete SN 201 and 203 or 217, as these are important prerequisites to the Spanish concentration.


  • A 3.0 credit Intensive Spanish course is taught in Santiago at the beginning of the program. This 200-level Spanish course includes service opportunities, short trips and guided visits. It will be completed in January before the February break and beginning of the Spring semester. The Fall course starts in July. Non-native speakers are required to attend this, but some exceptions may be possible.
  • Students are required to take  6.0 credit course titled "Poverty and Development in Latin America" this course combines class work with field experiences;
  • Students will take other courses at the 3.0 credit level. Some courses taken in Spanish will allow papers and exams to be done in English;
  • Loyola now offers a new minor program in Latin American and Latino Studies. Courses taken at Universidad Alberto Hurtado in Santiago can be applied towards this, or towards a Spanish major or minor. Core course options are also available; and
  • Cultural trips and guided visits will be offered.

Disclaimer: In case of strikes or unexpected disruption to the academic semester Loyola University will work with the host university abroad to provide additional support or other academic arrangements to enable students to complete their coursework in agreement with the rules and regulations of the host university and the laws of the host country.  Loyola University Maryland will not makes any changes to its course, grade, or credit transfer policies following such circumstances.

Length of Stay 

  • This is a spring or fall semester program.
  • Date are based on Intensive Spanish course which is required for non-native Spanish speakers
  • Fall late July to December
  • Spring early January- July 
  • Students will have a month-long vacation in February (Spring semester).


  • Students live with host families. Two meals a day are provided during the week, and three meals are provided on Saturday and Sunday.


  • Students are eligible for consideration for all forms of federal, state, institutional, and private sources of aid except for the federal work-study program;
  • Tuition is paid to Loyola. Housing is paid by the student, in Santiago (except January housing paid by the program);
  • Students will be responsible for all other expenses such as airfare and personal trips; and
  • Loyola financial aid applies.


  • Round trip airfare 
  • intensive Spanish review (includes housing);
  • A support coordinator
  • Orientation;
  • Cultural trips;
  • Field experiences and community service at Hogar de Cristo.

Application Requirements

An application and essay must be submitted on December 6th by 11:59 pm for study abroad in the junior year.

Apply to this Program


Contact Us

Phone: 410-617-2910
Office: Humanities 132

Additional contact information


In order to apply, all students must attend a Study Abroad 101 (Powerpoint) session before the application deadline. The application deadline for all Fall, Spring, and year-long opportunities during academic year 2024-25 is December 4, 2024.

The deadline for opportunities taking place during academic year 2025-26 will be announced during the Spring 2024 semester.

Study Abroad 101 (Powerpoint)