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Nanyang Technological University (NTU)-Singapore

Contact: Naomi Githae, / 410-617-2920
School: Nanyang Technological University

Apply to this Program


University sign

Nanyang Technological University (NTU) was founded in 1955, and has quickly established itself as a well-known and important university in Asia. While NTU has one of the largest engineering colleges in the world, it also includes a top-ranked business school, and the more recently established College of Science, and College of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences.  NTU is ranked in the top 25 technology universities in the world, and well within the top 100 comprehensive universities in the world. NTU has 20,000 undergraduate and almost 9,000 graduate students; 4,000 of those students are internationals.

Why Singapore?

In just 150 years, Singapore has grown into a thriving center of commerce and industry. Singapore's strategic location, excellent facilities, fascinating cultural contrasts and tourist attractions contribute to its success as a leading destination for both business and pleasure. English is the official language of business and education, which taking advantage of all Singapore has to offer quite easy.

Singapore is a major supplier of electronic components and a leader in shipbuilding and repairing. It has also become one of the most important financial centers of Asia, with more than 130 banks. Business dealings are facilitated by Singapore's superb communications network which links the nation to the rest of the world via satellite, 24-hour telegraph and telephone systems.

Singapore is one of the last real city-states in the world. Over 4 million people live on the roughly 425 square mile island, which is located at the foot of Malaysia. It is a bustling cosmopolitan known for food (all types of Asian and western cuisine) and shopping. Singapore is always thought of as clean, efficient and modern, and has a great public transportation system. It is a great jumping-off point for traveling south east Asia as well.

Singapore harbor

Criteria for Acceptance

  • Students with a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or above may apply;
  • Students must find courses which fit their Loyola academic program and allow full-time enrollment; and
  • Students must not be on disciplinary probation nor have a history of serious disciplinary problems.


  • Consult the Office of International Programs as early as possible to get assistance on course selection at Loyola so that you are prepared for Singapore;
  • This exchange program will work for many majors. Students have access to the Nanyang Business School and the top notch facilities of the Wee Kim Wee School of Communication & Information in addition to the rest of the colleges and schools at NTU; and
  • All courses will be taught in English.

Disclaimer: In case of strikes or unexpected disruption to the academic semester Loyola University will work with the host university abroad to provide additional support or other academic arrangements to enable students to complete their coursework in agreement with the rules and regulations of the host university and the laws of the host country.  Loyola University Maryland will not makes any changes to its course, grade, or credit transfer policies following such circumstances.


Length of Stay

This exchange program runs for the fall semester (early August to early December), or the spring semester (mid-January to early May). 

Downtown Singapore.


  • All exchange students are placed in the 16 Halls of Residence on campus;
  • The Halls are set up in the traditional dorm style with double-occupancy rooms. Rooms are furnished with a desk, chair, shelving, bed and wardrobe per resident;
  • There are common bathrooms on each floor by gender, and communal facilities like TV rooms, reading rooms with AC, kitchenettes equipped with cooking utensils and laundry rooms with washing machines; and   
  • Most Halls have “canteens” in them, which are similar to cafeterias. There are other cafeterias, cafes and food courts (with Western options including Subway and McDonald’s in addition to cuisines from all over Asia) all around campus.  There are also convenience stores and a supermarket on campus.


  • Students are eligible for consideration for all forms of federal, state, institutional and private sources of aid, except the Federal Work-Study Program. Students studying abroad for a semester will forfeit the value of a Federal Work-Study assignment;
  • Tuition is paid to Loyola;
  • Housing is paid to NTU during your semester there. Housing at NTU is significantly cheaper than at Loyola. Housing prices are roughly $155-220 Singaporean dollars per month; and
  • Round trip airfare included 

Application Deadline

Singapore tree domes.

Completed online application form and a course planning form must be submitted by 11:59 pm on the second Wednesday after Thanksgiving break for the fall or spring.

Apply to this Program


Contact Us

Phone: 410-617-2910
Office: Humanities 132

Additional contact information


In order to apply, all students must attend a Study Abroad 101 (Powerpoint) session before the application deadline. The application deadline for all Fall, Spring, and year-long opportunities during academic year 2024-25 is December 4, 2024.

The deadline for opportunities taking place during academic year 2025-26 will be announced during the Spring 2024 semester.

Study Abroad 101 (Powerpoint)