Leah Katherine Saal, Ph.D.
Lisa Schoenbrodt, Ed.D.
RELEASE: Grant to fund Loyola training supporting people with disabilities
Two faculty associates in Loyola University Maryland’s Center for Equity, Leadership,
and Social Justice in Education received a $197,715 grant to educate and train supervisors
at Maryland correctional facilities in best practices for interacting with incarcerated
people who have developmental disabilities. The pilot training program, “LEADing to
Learn,” will increase the supervisors’ awareness of how to engage with people with
developmental disabilities and establish a model for future trainings.
“‘LEADing to Learn’ is a great example that illustrates our center’s mission and vision
to collaborate with community members, students, and allies through a forum of professional
learning, research, engaged scholarship, and community involvement to amplify our
collective voices, advocate for multiracial and multicultural human rights, and advance
justice in education,” said Qi Shi, Ph.D., associate professor and director of Loyola’s
Center for Equity, Leadership, and Social Justice in Education.
Leah Katherine Saal, Ph.D., associate professor of literacy education, and Lisa Schoenbrodt,
Ed.D., professor of speech-language and hearing sciences, will implement the “LEADing
to Learn” training program following the LEAD Model they developed where people with
developmental disabilities provide the training for police, fire and rescue, and,
now, correctional supervisors. Schoenbrodt and Saal have designed and implemented
similar trainings in Baltimore City and Prince George’s, Montgomery, Howard, and Washington
The three-year pilot grant will fund the recruitment, training, support, and supervision
of five paid self-advocate educators who are individuals with developmental disabilities.
The self-advocate educators will train up to 300 correctional supervisors from the
Jessup Region at the Maryland Police and Correctional Training Commissions in Sykesville,
The “LEADing to Learn” training curriculum will cover the characteristics and traits
of people with disabilities and skills for effectively communicating with people
with disabilities. In addition, self-advocate educators will conduct practice role-play
scenarios at the trainings and provide feedback to program participants.
“The Maryland Police and Correctional Training Commissions has a long history of partnering
with institutions of higher learning to create innovative training opportunities for
our staff that will benefit them and enhance public safety,” Albert Liebno Jr., Executive
Director of the Commissions, and Thomas Martin, Director of Correctional Training,
wrote in a letter to Loyola. “We are hopeful this model will become the accepted standard
training on working with this population throughout state and local corrections.”
The grant was awarded by the Maryland Developmental Disabilities Council with funding
from the Administration for Community Living, U.S. Department of Health and Human
If you are a member of the media and have questions about this story, please contact
Andrew Aldrich at andrew@bonnieheneson.com. |
Loyola University Maryland is awarded a grant towards their Messina program for first
year students
Loyola University Maryland’s distinctive first-year living and learning program,
Messina, has been awarded a Network for Vocation in Undergraduate Education (NetVUE)
Program Development Grant to deepen vocational exploration and discernment among undergraduate
students. The approximately $48,000 grant, which was awarded from the Council of Independent
Colleges, will be used between May 1, 2021, and April 30, 2023. “Through this grant
opportunity, we will deepen our connection to and learn from peer institutions who
value promoting undergraduate students’ intellectual and theological exploration of
vocation,” said Carolyn Barry, Ph.D., associate dean for social sciences and graduate
programs and professor of psychology. “That focus on vocation will enhance the experience
for students in Messina, which offers an opportunity for self-discovery and exploration
as students learn more about Loyola, Baltimore, and themselves.”
Loyola faculty receive grant to help develop courses for special education leaders
Irene Bal, lecturer in the Educational Technology Program, and Kelly Keane, Ed.D.,
senior lecturer and director of the Educational Technology Program at Loyola University
Maryland, have been awarded a $100,000 grant from the Maryland State Department of
Education (MSDE), Division of Early Intervention/Special Education Services. The grant
will assist with the design, development, and pilot testing of four to five fully
online micro-credential courses to address Individualized Education Program (IEP)
meetings and support IEP chairpersons in Maryland public schools. The support from
this grant is focused on narrowing the gap for children and youth with disabilities
and their families by focusing on access, equity, and progress through a credentialing
system for IEP chairs.
National Science Foundation’s HER Core Research Awards Dr. Qi Shi two-year grant
Qi Shi, Ph.D., associate professor of education specialties, has been awarded a $193,853
two-year grant from the National Science Foundation’s HER Core Research: Building
Capacity in STEM Education Research program. The grant will support her professional
development and research, “A Phenomenological Analysis of STEM Interest, Access, and
Persistence of Latina English Learners.”
John Templeton Foundation Awards Dr. Meghan Page Research Grant
The John Templeton Foundation has awarded Dr. Meghan Page a $1,455,601 grant to support her project, “Building Foundations in Science-Engaged
Theology: Insights from Philosophy of Science.” The grant will fund a series of summer
seminars that explore how scientific concepts can be applied to questions about the
nature of the divine. The grant also provides funds for the development of both research
and pedagogy that integrates philosophy of science with investigations of the divine.
Page plans to incorporate the philosophy of science and religion research and insights
learned from this grant into her courses at Loyola.
Loyola Selected to Develop Computer Science Teacher Education Program
Dr. Kelly Keane and Ms. Irene Bal were awarded the Maryland Preservice Computer Science Teacher Education Program grant for their project, “Online Micro-credentials
for K-8 Computational Thinking.” The project focuses on developing computational thinking
courses for K-8 preservice and in-service teachers. This will have a positive impact for both educators and
their students throughout Maryland.
Drs. Lisa Schoenbrodt and Leah Saal received a Maryland Department of Disabilities (MD DoD) Sole Source grant for their project titled Learning to Lead: Training Self-Advocate
Educators for Law Enforcement (Project Lead). Project Lead prepares and supports individuals
with intellectual and developmental disabilities to serve as educators for public
service individuals.
As a result of Dr. Leslie Zarker Morgan’s efforts to support the Modern Languages
and Literatures department through her grant writing, the Italian Embassy has awarded
Loyola funds to partially support an Italian instructor position for the 2019-2020
academic year.
The Maryland Department of Commerce has awarded Loyola University Maryland a $500,000
grant. This funding will be used to institute an endowed professorship in innovation
that will enhance the expansion of undergraduate scientific research in biohealth
and provide students with professional skills to work in bioscience industries. This
funding matches $500,000 raised by Loyola's Office of Advancement to assist with initiatives
that foster innovation and entrepreneurship at the University through 2021.
Lynch and Kushner Receives Funding from Baltimore Police Department
The Police Foundation awarded Drs. Moira Lynch and Danielle Kushner funding to conduct field work collecting qualitative information on community opinions
related to the Baltimore Police Department’s community policing efforts. This work
will assist the BPD in their efforts to reform policing in Baltimore.
Konradi Awarded Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Foundation Grant
The Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery (OMS) Foundation has awarded the University of Washington and, by subaward, Dr. Amanda Konradi, a collaborative 2018 Research Support Grant. This grant will fund their project
titled: “To Operate or Not to Operate? Studying Stigma and Quality Of Life Outcomes
in Craniofacial Fibro-osseous Diseases.”
Rivers Awarded NIH Subaward
The National Institute of Health (NIH) has awarded University of Maryland and, by subaward, biology professor David Rivers, Ph.D. a R25 Science Education Partnership award. Dr. Rivers has been tasked with developing a
Loyola Forensic Academy for high school students. The academy will be a one-week
summer module focused on forensic science, relying on hands-on activities, discussions,
and presentations from the Baltimore City Police Forensic Unit, ATF agents, and local forensic experts. Alan Thoms-Chelsey, affiliate faculty in the biology department, will assist in the development and
implementation of this program.
Flores-Koulish Awarded Seed Money for Film Project
Associate professor in the School of Education, Stephanie Flores-Koulish, Ph.D. and her collaborator, Jacqueline Arias, received seed funding from Women in
Film and Video for their documentary project titled: The Remnants in Our Blood. This documentary will follow the story of four Latinx adoptees attempting to restore their cultural identities by investigating the US
Military conflicts that brought them to America.
David Carey, Ph.D., Doehler Chair and Professor of History, was named a 2019 Guggenheim Fellow for his research on “Pandemic Politics in Guatemala and Ecuador, 1900-1950: Race, Healing, and Public Health.” Out of the nearly three-thousand applications the John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation received, the Board of Trustees granted 168 fellows to only the
most promising scholars, artists, writers, and scientists in all fields. Since 1925,
the Foundation has awarded $360 million to more than 18,000 fellows, all with a great
variety of background, some being Nobel laureates, Field Medalists, and poets laureate,
winners of the Pulitzer Prize and other significant, internationally recognized honors. |
Dr. Ryan awarded Truman Library Institute Research
Assistant Professor of Writing, Terre Ryan, Ph.D., received the Truman Library Institute Research to conduct research for her
book, Setting Liberty’s Table, which examines the relationship between wartime gardening movements and evolving
discourse about broader sociological issues. The Harry S. Truman Library and Museum
has awarded nearly $2.7 million to over 14,100 researchers, historians, and writers
whose contributions help elucidate critical issues from Truman’s presidency and life. |
Raunak Awarded Extension from the National Institute of Standards and Technology
Associate professor of computer science, M.S. Raunak, Ph.D., was awarded a grant from the National Institute of Standards and Technology's
(NIST) Information Technology Laboratory (ITL) Measurement Science and Engineering (MSE) program in the summer of 2018. NIST granted an extension to his award that will support his project titled "Developing
Test Strategies for Difficult-to-Test Software." This extension will allow him to
continue his collaborative research on techniques in designing test cases for software.
Asia Library Travel Grant Awarded to Yu Zhang
Yu Zhang received the Asia Library Travel Grant from the Lieberthal-Rogel Center for Chinese Studies of the University of Michigan. This collection is critical
to Yu Zhang’s research on her second book-length project, entitled “Living in Tradition, out
Passion.” This book project will study Christian women in China at the turn of the
twentieth century—both the female missionaries who traveled to China to serve, as
well as the Chinese Christian women who became faithful under their influence.
Gomez Awarded Knott Foundation Grant
The Knott Foundation has awarded Margarita Gómez a Grant for $2,500 for her Translanguaging Writing Club at Archbishop Borders Dual Language Catholic School. This grant supports
the implementation of this program as well as her research on the efficacy of bilingual
National Science Foundation (NSF) to Award Schiefele Research Coordination Networks in Undergraduate Biology
With this NSF grant, Dr. Lisa Schiefele's Build-A-Genome (BAG) Network will host annual workshops; develop, distribute, and
support workflows for synthesis of yeast neochromosomes and bacteriophage genomes; provide common resources of software, databases, genomics services, and scientific expertise; and disseminate scientific pedagogical results
and teaching modules through publications and presentations.
Witt to Receive DAAD Research Stay Grant
Jeff Witt, Ph.D. was awarded a DAAD Research Stay grant to work with the University of Leipzig Center for Digital Humanities
and Dr. Thomas Köntges for a month this fall. This research stay will further his work on his Scholastic Commentaries and Texts Archive (https:/scta.info), which overlaps and connects with the Latin and Greek classical corpus that
is the center of Dr. Köntges’ research. The collaboration will allow them to establish a set of protocols that
will use advances in topic modeling to analyze corpora from both archives and identify
relationships between the sets.
AARC Award to Fossett
Tepanta Fossett, Ph.D. was awarded an Advancing Academic-Research Careers (AARC) Award from the American Speech-Language Hearing Association. This award is intended
to support the academic-research careers of faculty in the field of communication
sciences and disorders. With this award, Dr. Fossett will conduct research on her project titled “Test-ReTest reliability and concurrent
validity of the multiple-choice version of the Story Retell Procedure.”
Loyola to Receive Grant for Interfaith Innovation
For the second year in a row, the Interfaith Youth Core (IFYC) has awarded Loyola’s Campus Ministry a grant to strengthen interfaith cooperation
on Loyola’s campus. This year's award, Campus Innovation Grant, will continue the
important work of the Interfaith Strategic Planning Committee to begin the process
of providing our campus and at-large community opportunities for increased awareness
and heightened support and enthusiasm around interfaith programming, dialogue, and
communication. Scott Adams, Assistant Director of Interfaith and Ecumenical Ministries
will be leading this project.
The Society for Psychological Study of Social Issues (SPSSI) Awards Betz Grants-In-Aid
Diana Betz, Ph.D. was awarded a grant from SPSSI for her study on defensiveness and self-affirmation in reactions to information about
sexual assault. Dr. Betz will conduct two experiments to examine the role of defensiveness
in response to information about sexual assault’s prevalence and harms.
Page Receives University of Notre Dame Award
Meghan Page, Ph.D. assistant professor of philosophy, received an award for her project
“Creative Accounts of Creation” by the University of Notre Dame Center for Philosophy
of Religion. Her two part project explores novel philosophical metaphors of creation
that contrast with the world-actualization model, in which God creates by actualizing
some possible world. These metaphors will show that lived experiences share an important
theme: the creative process involves a singular focus rather than the selection of
one option from many.
Schoenbrodt and Saal Awarded Two Year Grant from Maryland Department of Disabilities
Loyola’s Lisa Schoenbrodt, Ph.D. and Leah Katherine Saal, Ph.D. have been awarded $45,000, a two year grant from the Maryland Department of
Disabilities to pilot and validate a replicable and sustainable model of the LEAD
Program. The LEAD Program helps to train individuals with Intellectual and Developmental
Disabilities to serve as Self-Advocate Educators/Trainers for Law Enforcement. These
individuals will participate in role-play and scenario-based training tasks with law
enforcement officers to better prepare officers for real world situations.
Sandler Awarded Summer Stipend by the National Endowment for the Humanities
Willeke Sandler, Ph.D. assistant professor of history, has received a Summer Stipend award by the
National Endowment for the Humanities. This grant will allow Dr. Sandler to travel to Berlin and conduct research in the Federal Archives and the Political
Achieve of the German Foreign Office for her second book, Unofficial Empire, investigates Germans’ movement between Germany and its former colony
of German East Africa from the mid-1920s through the mid-1940s.
Diehl Granted Award for Project "Postwar Japan through its Golden Age of Film"
The Japan Foundation has awarded Chad Diehl, Ph.D. $1,200 for his project, “Postwar Japan through its Golden Age of Film,” which
explores the cultural and social history of Japan after the Second World War through
a study of film of the postwar period. This project will help Loyola students expand
their understanding of Japanese culture and history by engaging students in the study
of postwar films as Japan attempted to work though past traumas and articulate present
economic and social issues. The project includes a film screening, as well as a presentation
by Professor Takuya Tsunoda.
Helfenbein Granted Sub Award for Evaluation of Baltimore Police Department Juvenile Pre-Petition
Diversion Program
The Baltimore City Police Department has granted a sub award to Robert Helfenbein, Ph.D. for the Evaluation of the Baltimore Police Department Juvenile Pre-Petition
Diversion Program. This program provides an alternative to the juvenile justice system
for youth charged with nonviolent, misdemeanor offenses. Dr. Helfenbein, and a team of professors and graduate research assistants from the School of Education,
will spend a year analyzing the program’s process and policies, and developing recommendations
for improvement. The goal of this evaluation is to increase the number of youths referred
to this program, and to increase the completion rate of the program while reducing
re-arrest rates of the program graduates.
Sutherland to lead "Prophet with a Pencil: The Continuing Significance of Martin Luther King’s
‘Letter from Birmingham Jail’"
University of Virginia’s Project on Lived Theology has launched a new, $30,000 initiative,
Prophet with a Pencil: The Continuing Significance of Martin Luther King’s ‘Letter
from Birmingham Jail’- a gathering of ten King scholars which will be led by Loyola’s
own Arthur Sutherland, Ph.D. Convening in Birmingham, Alabama, this June, this three-day gathering will
allow these scholars to share drafts of their essays, meet with surviving participants
of the Birmingham Children’s March, and will participate in an exchange of ideas with
civil rights activists. The assembly’s work includes publishing a volume of essays
and hosting a public forum on the theological ideas and questions raised by King in
1963 that are still relevant today.
Chia-Smith Granted Award for "Developmental Psychobiosocial States in Competitive Badminton"
Wendy Chia-Smith, Ph.D. was awarded a grant of $5,000 in support of her study, “Developmental
Psychobiosocial States in Competitive Badminton.” The project will examine the extent to which age
impacts the psychobiosocial states of elite badminton players. The goal of the study is to assist coaches in
understanding the individual zone of optimal function for each age group in order
to help athletes cope with changing psychobiosocial states during matches.
Bannister Granted Award for Julio Fine Arts Gallery
Kim Bannister and the Julio Fine Arts Gallery were awarded a Maryland State Arts grant for the third year in
a row! The Gallery is committed to encouraging the understanding and appreciation
of the visual arts through its offerings of diverse, high quality exhibitions, lectures,
and workshops; and preserving its permanent collection art objects as a resource for
the community.
Thomas and Brugh Awarded Grant for "Multilingual Baltimore"
Maryland Humanities has awarded a grant to Andrea Thomas,Ph.D. and Patrick Brugh, Ph.D. for their video project “Multilingual Baltimore.” This screening is a video
compilation and viewing of an oral history project students completed last year with
immigrants who have settled in Baltimore. Students learn more about the language and
immigrants share their stories, in their native language. The student interviews are
in Arabic, Chinese, French, Italian, and Spanish will be publically screened to foster mutual respect while bridging cultural divides in the Baltimore
Caesar Awarded Grant for The American Speech-Language-Hearing Foundation
The American Speech- Language- Hearing Foundation has awarded a grant of $75,000 in
support of Dr. Lena Caesar’s project titled, “The Ecological Validity of Narrative Sample Analysis for
Diagnosing Language Disorders in Guyanese Children.” Caesar will use the grant to
work to improve the lives of children who reside in Guyana, South America by collecting
evidenced-based data that will assist in the accurate diagnosis of communication impairments
in clinical populations.
Scalenghe Awarded Grant for National Endowment for the Humanities
The National Endowment for the Humanities has awarded a grant of $210,912 in support
of Sara Scalenghe’s project titled “Global Histories of Disability.” With this grant, Dr. Scalenghe will direct a four-week NEH Summer Institute for twenty-five college and university teachers held on the campus
of Gallaudet University in Washington, D.C. The Institute will consist of three core units organized
geographically: The United States, Europe, and the “non-Western world,” specifically
the Middle East and North Africa, South Asia, and East Asia. The units will be preceded
by three days of introductions to the Institute, to Gallaudet University, to Deaf culture and ASL, and to disability history, and will be followed by one and a half days of participants’
project presentations.
Loyola to Receive Grant for Interfaith Innovation
The Interfaith Youth Core (IFYC) has awarded Loyola’s Campus Ministry a $5,000 Strategic Planning Interfaith Innovation
Grant. This grant is designed to support the development of a campus-wide, multi-year
strategic plan for interfaith cooperation on Loyola’s campus. Loyola will convene
a diverse group of high-level stakeholders who will meet regularly throughout this upcoming academic year to design a strategic
plan document. In addition to funding, IFYC will also provide strategic planning frameworks and resources, a student survey and
analysis, coaching, and a two-day visit. Scott Adams, Assistant Director of Interfaith
and Ecumenical Ministries will be leading this project.
Raunak Awarded Grant from the National Institute of Standards and Technology for Research
on Software Testing
M.S. Raunak, Ph.D. associate professor of computer science, received an award from the National
Institute of Standards and Technology's (NIST) Information Technology Laboratory (ITL) Measurement Science and Engineering (MSE) program. This award provides financial assistance to support collaborative research
in the broad areas of Advanced Network Technologies and Cloud Computing. Dr. Raunak will focus on Software Testing in his project titled, "Workflow-based Systematic Testing of Information Systems Software."
Castillo Awarded Louisville Institute First Book Grant for Minority Scholars
This award supports Daniel Castillo’s book, “An Ecological Theology of Liberation” which offers a narrative about the
eco-liberationist reading of key themes in biblical theology. It addresses the question,
“What is the relationship between salvation, human liberation, and care for creation?”
The book highlights the need for radical transformation of society. Dr. Castillo discusses three subjects relating to the North American church. First, he talks about
the complex ways of how the crises of material inequality and ecological degradation
are linked. Also, he conveys that the interrelated preferential options for the poor
and earth are intrinsic to the Christian faith. Lastly, he brings up of the forms
these interrelated options might take within the landscape of contemporary politics
and culture. Dr. Castillo is an assistant professor of Theology.
Camper Awarded Research Grant International Society for the History of Rhetoric and
National Endowment of Humanities
Martin Camper, Ph.D. has been awarded a research grant from the International Society
for the History of Rhetoric and the National Endowment of Humanities Summer Stipend.
This award will help support his work on his a second book titled, " How the Bible’s Meaning Changes: Argument and Controversy in the Church". The project
explores five cases in Christian history since the 16th century where some segment of the church has completely reversed its official stance
on a biblical issue. Camper plans to explore how these reversals in biblical meaning
were accomplished through argument, building on a rhetorical method for analyzing
interpretive controversies detailed in his first book, Arguing over Texts: The Rhetoric
of Interpretation, which is due out from Oxford University Press 2017.

Assistant Professor of Theatre Awarded Residency at São Paulo Escola de Teatro
Daniel Pinha, assistant professor of theatre at Loyola University Maryland, was awarded a residency at the prestigious São Paulo Escola de Teatro—Centro de Formação das Artes do Palco (São Paulo Drama School – Development Center for Stage Arts) in Brazil for the 2017 summer.
Pinha will be exploring ways of creating scenic design that are not based on a script but
rather on visual elements brought to the performance space. He will be studying how
this particular process of creating a dramaturgy is effective and what the benefits
are of developing the theatrical design from the visual elements.
Loyola Biology Faculty wins $154K Grant from the U.S. Department of Justice
Loyola faculty members of the biology department have won a grant of $154,521 from
the U.S. Department of Justice to help create an accurate analysis of critical evidence
involved in crime scene investigations by developing a technique for law enforcement
to differentiate fly artifacts from human bloodstains. David Rivers, Ph.D., professor
of biology and principal investigator, is involved in this two-year project alongside
Rebecca Brogan, Ph.D., associate professor of biology, and Andrew Schoeffield, Ph.D., associate professor of biology.
Fenner & O’Neill Awarded EiF Grant
Assistant professor of engineering, Raenita Fenner, PhD, and professor of writing, Peggy O’Neill, PhD, have been awarded a grant from the Engineering Information Foundation (EiF). This interdisciplinary project looks to improve instruction of technical writing
by integrating technical analysis with quality instruction in writing.
NSF Funded Scholarship Program for Students
An interdisciplinary group of sciences faculty has been awarded a $565,495 grant from
NSF to create a scholarship and mentoring program in which they will recruit and graduate academically talented low-income
students pursuing a degree in computer science, physics, mathematics, or statistics.
The new C-PaMS Scholars Program will award six students from the Class of 2020 and six from the
Class of 2021 up to $10,000 annually during their four years at Loyola. Mili Shah, Ph.D., associate professor of mathematics, will be the grant’s principal investigator.
NSF to Supercharge Research Computing Power at Loyola
Four Loyola faculty members have been awarded a $280,120 grant from the National
Science Foundation (NSF) to build a high-performance computing (HPC) cluster that will exponentially expand research opportunities for faculty and students
across disciplines. Megan Olsen, Ph.D., assistant professor of computer science and principal investigator on the
grant. Olsen’s co-awardees are Biggi Albrecht, Ph.D., associate professor of chemistry; David Binkley, Ph.D., professor of computer science; and Jeremy Schwartz, Ph.D., associate professor of economics.
MADE CLEAR Grant Awarded to Loyola to Support Climate Change Education
The goal of this grant is to create more expertise on campus and to empower faculty
and administrators to develop their ability and confidence to incorporate climate
change education into both course curricula and co-curricular learning experiences.
Bernadette Roche, Ph.D., associate professor of biology and director of environmental
studies will serve as the project Principal Investigator. Roche’s co-awardees are
Elizabeth Dahl, Ph.D., associate professor of Chemistry, and Randall Jones, Ph.D., associate professor of physics.
Undergraduate Physics to Get Boost from NSF
Loyola has been awarded an $80,977 grant from the NSF for a collaborative project that will significantly enhance undergraduate physics
education by developing, evaluating, and sharing methods to incorporate workforce-relevant
skills and activities in the student experience. Bahram Roughani, Ph.D., is the associate dean for natural and applied sciences and the principal
investigator on the grant.
Rivers Awarded NSF Grant to Create a Network to Prep Students for Careers in Biotechnology
Loyola biology professor David Rivers, Ph.D., won a $50,000 grant from NSF to create and lead the Mid-Atlantic Biology Research and Career (MABRC) network. This network consists of biotechnology educators and professionals from
the public and private organizations across the mid-Atlantic region committed to preparing
students for careers in biotechnology. The aim of the network is to help high school
and college students gain the professional skills needed for a career in the growing
science field of biotechnology.
Coalition of Baltimore-Area Colleges Win $750K Grant from Department of Justice
Loyola, along with nine other Baltimore-area colleges and universities, have won
a $750,000 grant from the U.S. Department of Justice. This grant is to generate new
strategies to prevent, respond to, investigate, and hold offenders accountable for
sexual assault and dating violence. It is also centered on creating a survivor-centered,
trauma- informed approach to helping victims of sexual assault and dating violence.