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Course Override Requests

Overrides into classes are limited to very specific circumstances. Overrides will not be granted if a viable alternative solution exists.

Sample reasons why override may be granted include:

  1. Student needs to take PY291 and all seats are full, in all sections
  2. Senior needs the class to graduate as well as:
      - no other sections of the course are available with openings, and
      - no other courses that fulfill that grouping are open, and
      - the requirement cannot be fulfilled the next semester.

Overrides will not be granted if any of the following are true:

  1. Another section of the course is available and has openings
  2. Course may be taken another semester without jeopardizing graduation
  3. Course meeting the same grouping has openings

This is not to say that students with a valid reason should not submit an application to request an override; they should. However, if a request does not meet one of the aforementioned criteria, it will not likely be approved.

If a student is interested in pursuing an override into a particular course or courses, the student must obtain, complete, and return the appropriate override request form to the Academic Advising and Support Center. Forms will be sent to the director of undergraduate education in one packet, so that they may be considered as a cohort. Each student's circumstances will be considered individually, as well as the enrollment for the course(s) request overridden and alternative solutions, prior to making any decisions.

Students should not approach professors directly asking if they will allow you into their course(s). Follow the appropriate route outlined above and the guidelines noted will be followed, in fairness to all students and faculty.