Independent Study Registration Process
- Find a professor who is willing to supervise him/her in a PY300 or PY400 course. Please note that these course numbers change to PY401 and PY402 with the Class of 2024.
- Work out a course plan with the professor who will direct the Independent Study
- Professor must create a syllabus for the independent study that outlines the course content, readings and resources, expected meeting times and outcomes assessments that will be used (Note: Student will meet a minimum of one hour each week with the professor for the duration of the semester). The syllabus should specify that the expected student work commitment is approximately three hours per week per credit.
- The professor then emails the syllabus to the Director of the Undergraduate Program
in Psychology for approval.
- Director of the Undergraduate Program in Psychology will review the syllabus and send confirmation of approval to the Director of Program Operations in Psychology.
- Director of Program Operations will send partially completed Change of Registration and Specialized Study forms, along with the syllabus, to the student with instructions on submitting to AASC in order to be registered.
Reminder: The above process must be completed no later than the Wednesday before the drop/add period, at the latest, so plan accordingly. Students not following the process as outlined above will not be allowed to register for PY300 or PY400.