Master's in School Counseling (M.A. or M.Ed.)
Becoming a professional school counselor is something we take seriously at Loyola. Our graduate students complete a 60-credit hour program that includes school experience prior to graduation.
Upon graduation, our students are well positioned to become professional school counselors who are culturally responsive leaders and advocates who promote their profession and the diverse needs of students. They are competent to deliver counseling services that support mental health needs and foster the social emotional, career, and academic development of students and utilize evidence-based interventions when delivering comprehensive school counseling programs.
Program Overview
- Credits: 60
- Delivery: Hybrid
- Next Admission Term: Summer 2025
- Class Duration: 15 weeks
- Format: Full-time or Part-time
- Time of Completion: As little as 2 years*
- Tuition Information
Master’s in Education (M.Ed.)
Students enrolled in the M.Ed. program complete two electives (6-credits) in school counseling. Elective offerings are available in courses pertaining to College Advising, Diagnosis and Treatment, Mindfulness, Crisis and Trauma, School Counselor Leadership, Social Emotional Development and Instructional Strategies to Engage Students in the Classroom. M.Ed. leads to certification as a school counselor.
Master of Arts (M.A.)
Students enrolled in the M.A. program complete a master’s thesis in lieu of school counseling electives. This program of study is designed for the practitioner researcher who wishes to further examine school counselor practice. Mentored by program faculty, students enrolled in the M.A. program complete a master's thesis in lieu of electives. M.A. leads to certification as a school counselor.
Loyola’s M.Ed. and M.A. in School Counseling programs are fully accredited by the Council for Accreditation of Counseling and Related Education Programs (CACREP) through March 2029. As a CACREP-accredited program, school counseling master's students complete a 60-credit hour program, in which 9 credits are in Practicum and Internship.
Our master's programs are recognized by the Maryland State Department of Education (MSDE).
Our programs meet the educational requirements necessary for licensure as a Maryland licensed professional counselor and certification as a school counselor in Maryland. For graduates interested in working outside of Maryland, it is important to learn that state’s licensure requirements. For more information review our Professional Licensure Disclosure website.
Students complete a supervised, 100 hour in-school experience throughout the 15 week semester. Practicum students should expect to work in schools during the school day, generally one full day or two half days. Practicum can be taken either in the fall or spring semesters. Practicum students receive supervision from a Loyola professor and professional school counselor throughout the 15-week experience.
During practicum, students provide individual and small group counseling and classroom instruction within schools. Further, practicum students are exposed to school culture and observe consultation practices.
Students complete a supervised, 600 hour in-school experience. Internship can be over two academic semesters or in one academic semester. Interns should expect to work in schools during the regular school day, either 3 days a week (two academic semesters) or 5 days a week (one academic semester). Interns receive supervision from a Loyola professor and professional school counselor throughout the 15-week experience. Internship is offered during the fall and spring semesters.
Interns deliver direct and indirect student services that align with the goals of a comprehensive school counseling program. Interns build upon what they learned in Practicum to further their counseling skills related to individual counseling, group counseling, and classroom instruction. Students use evidence based interventions and evaluate the effectiveness of those interventions. Additionally, interns are mentored on how to collaborate with stakeholders to implement a comprehensive school counseling program.
Most school counseling courses are taught in a hybrid format, a combination of online and in-person. Semesters are 15 weeks during the fall and spring semesters. The summer semester length is modified to 6 weeks for most classes.
Full-time students complete the program in two years and part-time students have up to five years to finish.
Matriculation Requirements
Students must maintain an overall cumulative GPA of 3.0 or better and display the professional dispositions identified by the program to graduate. Students' progress towards the program's learning outcomes are reviewed before entering practicum and internship experiences. Professional dispositions are assessed at three points: GC701 Techniques in Counseling, Practicum, and Internship. Should students not be making sufficient progress towards the program's learning outcomes, receive one "C" or if dispositional concerns arise, students will be notified, and a remediation plan is developed. Students who earn a "F" in any one course or two grades of a C/C+ will be dismissed from the program. Additionally, students must earn a "B" or better in Practicum and Internship to graduate.
To graduate from the school counseling program, students must pass the Counselor Preparation Comprehensive Exam (CPCE), which can be taken at the end of a student's program, either the semester prior to graduation or the semester a student graduates.
See Sample Course Sequences for Full- and Part-Time Study
Course descriptions are found in our graduate catalogue and course syllabi can be obtained upon request by contacting the Assistant Dean of Assessment, Heather Moore, at
Ready to learn more?
Contact us at or 410-617-2990.Attend an Information Session

Program Outcomes and Demographics
Loyola’s School Counseling faculty are constantly evaluating and improving their teaching practice. Our annual report provides representative data about our program, faculty, and student demographics and outcomes.
Program Support and Preparation
With thoughtful faculty and engaging internship experiences, Loyola's graduate program in school counseling prepares students to effectively serve and lead in pre K-12 settings.
Program Options
Loyola's School Counseling programs are designed to meet all stages of your professional life—whether you are entering the profession and learning the basics, or if you are an established counselor who wants to continue your education and advance your knowledge and skillset. Our students are prepared to effectively serve, lead, and be advocates for social justice and mental health in pre K-12 settings.
To meet the youth mental health crisis, we offer counselors the opportunity to not only become eligible for licensure as a school counselor, but also to meet the preparation requirements to become licensed as a Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor (LCPC) in the state of Maryland. We invite you to explore our M.A. or M.Ed. program, or one of three post-master's options.
Request information
Ready to learn more?Explore the following links or contact us at or 410-617-2990. For admission-related questions, contact Mechelle Palmer at