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Election Distress

The Loyola University Counseling Center recognizes that the 2020 Election season may be a time of uncertainty, stress, and interpersonal conflict for many. To support our student community, the Counseling Center offers the following recommendations and services.

Recommendations for Managing Election Distress
  • Be thoughtful about your media consumption. Look for accredited, reliable sources of information related to the election. Check out LoyolaVotes for information on voter registration and being an engaged citizen. While it is important to stay informed, taking regular breaks from the news media is healthy and contributes to improved emotional well-bring. Consider limiting your news and social media viewing to one set time period per day.
  • Connect with supportive friends and family. Engage in meaningful conversation and activities around the many things you value, not solely the election.
  • Look for productive ways to engage with others if disagreement arises.
  • Set boundaries with individuals in your life that are unable to engage in healthy, constructive dialogue.
  • Prioritize self-care: maintain a balanced diet and sleep schedule, exercise, engage with your faith and/or cultural identity.
  • Consider engaging in mindfulness to increase distress-tolerance and present-moment thinking. Students may register for RIO, a three-session mindfulness workshop offered by the Counseling Center several days and times a week.

Drop-in Election Distress Support Spaces

The Counseling Center is offering a group drop-in space to provide support for students who are experiencing distress related to the upcoming election.  This is not a therapy space, but rather an opportunity for students to talk with a counselor and peers about distress or concerns related to the election. Students needing to speak with a counselor urgently, or who would prefer to speak with a counselor individually, should call the Counseling Center at 410-617-2273. After-hours support is available by calling 410-617-5530.  Information about additional counseling services can be shared, if needed, during the drop-in session. Join us on Zoom Mondays 2-3pm and Wednesdays from 11am-noon EST beginning 10/12.

Let’s Talk Single Sessions

The Let’s Talk single session provides a scheduled, solution-focused, goal-oriented, one-time space for undergraduate and graduate students to meet with a counselor individually. Students should have a specific concern in mind that they would like to address in their 45-minute session.

After completing brief paperwork, the student will meet with a clinician to address their concern. Counselors will work with the student to identify their existing strengths, resources, and coping skills that may assist them in moving forward with the specific concern, as well as offering additional recommendations. Recommendations may include participating in a Counseling Center workshop or group or connecting with additional campus resources.

Let’s Talk sessions may be scheduled by calling the Counseling Center at 410-617-2273.

In addition, please review our Available Services to learn more about our full range of service offerings, including brief individual counseling, emergency support, groups, and workshops.

Contact Us

Humanities, Room 150
One flight up the turret entrance
Phone: 410-617-CARE (2273)

Call to schedule an appointment
Monday - Friday, 8:30 a.m. - 5 p.m.


Vector Mental Health Training

REACT Online

REACT is an online video that explains how to help yourself or someone you care about cope in healthy ways after a distressing life event (such as a trauma, assault, or loss).