Faculty & Staff

Ph.D., Duke University, 1996
M.A.R., Yale Divinity School, 1989
B.A., The University of the South, 1984

Ph.D., Yale University, 1977
M.A., M.Phil., Yale University, 1975
Graduate Theological Union, 1971-1973
Kendrick Seminary, 1969-1971
B.A., Cardinal Glennon College, 1969

Ph.D., University of Notre Dame, 2014
B.A., University of Florida, 2002

M.Div., North Park Theological Seminary, 2003
B.A., North Park College, 1997

Ph.D., Duke University, 2011
M.Phil., Cambridge University, 2005
M.A., Queen's University Belfast, 2004
B.A., University of Virginia, 2001

M.A.R., Yale Divinity School, 2018
B.A., Baylor University, 2016
- rlandrith@loyola.edu
- HU 042P

Recent Publications
Curriculum Vitae
Ph.D., Boston University, 2019
Research interests: History of Christianity; World Christianity; Theology, Ethnicity, and Race in South Africa
- sjlloyd@loyola.edu
- HU 042E

Ph.D., Yale University, 1994
M.Div., Yale Divinity School, 1988
B.A., Swarthmore College

Recent Publications
Curriculum Vitae
Ph.D., Catholic University of America, 1989
Research interests: American Catholic Life and Thought; Catholic NGOs at the United Nations; Theology and Cinema (American and International)

Recent Publications
Curriculum Vitae
Ph.D., Claremont School of Theology, 2011
Research interests: Practical/pastoral theology; Spiritual care and counseling with traditionally marginalized populations; Intercultural care and counseling
Ph.D., Princeton Theological Seminary, 2000
S.T,M., Theology, Yale University Divinity School (1992)
M.Div., Yale Divinity School (1991)
B.A., Harding University (1982)

Ph.D. Saint Louis University, 2018
M.A., University of Dallas, 2012
M.S., Texas Woman's University, 2000
B.S., Abilene Christian University, 1993
- bjwalker1@loyola.edu
- HU 042G

M.Div., Emory University, Candler School of Theology, 2018
J.D., University of South Carolina School of Law, 2008
B.A, English, magna cum laude, Stillman College, 2005
- bwratee@loyola.edu
- HU 042B

Research interests: Asceticism; Sufism; Syriac Christianity; Monasticism; Muslim-Christian Interaction; Scriptural Exegesis
- jazaleski@loyola.edu
- HU 042C