FI 499 Internship
This course is typically an ‘eye opener’ for many students. In order to get an intern position, the student typically needs to go through an interview process, the same as for a full time job. Students should also recognize that besides the ‘work’ experience there is a significant academic requirement to the course and the internship has to be a meaningful finance experience! FI 499 is offered the first or second semester of the senior year. One cannot do an internship during the summer and have it count for the fall or spring semester.
A student in FI 499 receives three academic credits (assuming they pass the course) that count toward graduation. The intern position has to be approved by the professor, and it may or may not be a paid position. Students are responsible for obtaining a sponsor for their internship experience. Normally within the first week (if not sooner since students are not only competing against each other but also against students from other universities) of class the professor provides leads to internship possibilities. If the position is for pay, each and every student receives the appropriate information; while if it is for only academic credit, the students are ‘matched’ to the position based on their responses on an information form that needs to be turned into the professor the first day of class. Typically each student receives three or four leads, and they need to recognize that the early bird catches the worm, and that seeking a job requires a proactive attitude and approach. Work requirement is 10 - 20 hours per week.
Typically the class meets the first week, including a three-hour class on the first Friday of the course, one day in the middle of the semester and then the last week of class (yes that does include the Friday). Students need to attend every class and if they do not their grade will reflect the lack of class attendance. Additional meetings include one-on-one meetings with the professor as needed.
Students are able to find their own position, however it is subject to approval of the professor. The Career Center is also a valuable tool in finding prospects for internships. You are able to schedule appointments with counselors that may guide you or assist in finding a possible internship opportunity. Students are able to contact this center and schedule an appointment.
The primary question that will be asked is: "Will the internship be a meaningful finance experience?" Cold/warm calling, and other promotional activities, while part of a financial advisors job, do not constitute a meaningful finance experience. Academic requirements are covered during the first week of class, and include logs, lessons learned (reflection) and presentations to the class. If you have any questions please contact:
Dr. Walt Reinhart
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