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MAcc Learning Aims

The MAcc program will have the following learning goals and objectives:

Effective Communication

Students shall develop the ability to utilize financial and other authoritative databases and effectively present findings in written and oral format.

  • Objective 1: Demonstrate competency in utilizing the Accounting Codification System (financial accounting resource data base) to search for authoritative answers to specific financial accounting issues.
  • Objective 2: Demonstrate competency in utilizing tax resource databases to search for tax authority (primarily Internal Revenue Code provisions) to answer specific federal income taxation questions.

Analytical and Critical Thinking

Students shall develop the ability to identify and evaluate accounting problems in an environment of rapid change, and arrive at reasoned conclusions.

  • Objective 1: Demonstrate competency in applying course knowledge to analyze and successfully solve course specific problems.

Knowledge and Integration of Functional Area Content

Students shall develop competency in the functional areas of accounting.

  • Objective 1: Demonstrate an appropriate mastery of the knowledge, skills and tools of financial accounting principles and managerial accounting principles.
  • Objective 2: Demonstrate an appropriate mastery of the knowledge, skills and tools of cost accounting.
  • Objective 3: Demonstrate an appropriate mastery of the knowledge, skills and tools of intermediate and advanced financial accounting topics; auditing and systems, and tax.

Ethical Leadership

Students shall develop the ability to recognize and respond appropriately to professional, ethical, and regulatory issues in accounting.

  • Objective 1: Demonstrate the ability to identify ethical issues in managerial accounting and apply the appropriate ethical principles and rules to make ethical business decisions.
  • Objective 2: Demonstrate the ability to identify ethical issues in cost accounting and apply the IMA code of ethics (principles and rules) to make ethical business and professional decisions.
  • Objective 3: Demonstrate the ability to identify ethical issues in auditing and apply the appropriate AICPA code of professional responsibility (including PCAOB principles and rules) to make ethical business and professional decisions.

Global Awareness

Students shall appreciate the international dimensions of accounting.

  • Objective 1: Students will demonstrate an understanding of International Financial Reporting Standards and international financial statement analysis.
  • Objective 2: Students shall develop an understanding and appreciation of IFRS.
RSM has a long and very successful relationship with Loyola - supporting its programs, its faculty and staff, and its students. Over the years, we have recruited many of our most successful professionals from Loyola’s undergraduate and graduate programs. As a Loyola alumnus myself, I’m always proud when another Loyola student or alumnus joins the Firm.
While earning a Masters will almost certainly qualify a student to earn his or her CPA license, the true benefit such programs provide comes from a truly increased depth of knowledge.
As chair of the Accounting Advisory Board and a future employer of accounting students, I’m excited this new program will offer a clear path to completion of the 150-hour requirement, in addition to building a pipeline of very qualified CPAs for years to come.
The new MAcc curriculum is focused on developing deeper technical, communication and decision making skills, providing graduates crucial tools for successful careers in public accounting and beyond.