Change of Registration: GR Instructions
The Graduate Change of Registration eForm, used by academic departments to drop and/or
add courses for a specific term, should be submitted only when Loyola Self-Service is closed or otherwise unavailable to students.
The Graduate Change of Registration eForm is completed and submitted by the student’s
academic department Director of Program Operations (DPO) or designees.
The department’s responsibilities:
- Acquire an email from the student’s Loyola account stating the changes requested which serves as the student’s digital signature and approval.
- Save the student email as a document.
- Attach the student email document to the eForm.
- Relay the text in the Important Information section to the student prior to submitting.
- The CoRGR (Change of Registration: GR) form will be initiated by the student’s home department. The necessary approval from the cross-enrolled department DPO may be given via email to the student’s home department DPO. The email approval must be attached to the CoRGR form when it is submitted for processing.
- If the BSEP form is needed for cross-enrolls, the procedure below will be followed:
Access the eForm
- DPO or department designees log into Inside Loyola
- Select Employee Self-Service > Employment > Employee > Change of Registration: Graduate
Field-Specific Information
- An asterisk indicates a required field.
- Enter the Student ID and tab, the student’s name will populate.
- Enter Student Mobile Number or other contact number.
- Ask the student the following questions and record the responses:
- Registration Information:
- DROP section: List the course(s) the student no longer plans to attend, and enter:
- ADD section: List the new course(s) the student plans to attend, and enter all the information as indicated
- At least one Drop and/or Add is required to submit.
- Once a Course Number is entered, all fields in that row must be completed to submit.
- Use the Clear ALL Drop Info or the Clear ALL Add Info to remove data entered on the eForm before submitting.
Student Emails (and other relevant documentation)
Saving an Outlook Email
- Open the email
- Select Save As
- Save the email to a preferred location
- Rename File Name as necessary
- Save as type = Outlook Message Format – Unicode
- Click the Save button
Attaching Emails and Relevant Documentation
- Ensure student email is saved as an Outlook Message Format - Unicode.
- Use the toolbar at the top of the form and select Attach.
- A window opens, browse and select document.
- Select the Add button.
- Repeat procedure for each attachment.
Sign and Submit
- Select the Sign/Submit button and enter your Loyola username and password.
- A confirmation email is sent to your Loyola email address with a unique tracking number and URL to the completed form.
- No changes may be made to the form once it is submitted.
- After submission, in order to view the submitted form and/or where it is in the workflow, access the appropriate Records GR Dept queue. Search for the specific document by the filters available.
Perceptive Content Workflow and Communication
Please follow these instructions if you have received an automated email from with the subject line “New Item in [DEPT] (REC GR Change of Reg Dept)”
- Upon submission of the eform, it moves to Perceptive Content (formerly ImageNow).
- In Perceptive Content, select the Workflow icon at the top of the screen.
- Each graduate department has a unique queue for this process. Expand Records GR Change of Registration and select your department queue. Example:
- If documents appear in the queue, Records has sent a form with a sticky note with a question or a comment to be answered by your department.
- Double-click the document to open it.
The note appears as a yellow sticky note icon, under the name of the form.
- Double-click the sticky note to open it.
- Communication from Records will be posted under the History section.
- Type your response under Enter Text and select Add
- Click to save the message.
- Text appears with a user, date and time stamp with every message in a sticky note.
- Use the same sticky note for multiple messages about a course.
- Click the Route Forward icon at the bottom of the screen to route to Records
- If applicable, the system will prompt you to the next form to review.
- An email alert will be sent to you as a reminder that there is an item in your queue.
Scenarios and Examples
Course change issue, added course is cancelled
- Records adds a Records Sticky and writes one of the comments as below or similarly.
- Department opens form, reads Sticky, and adds a reply as appropriate.
Course change issue, added course is closed
- Records adds a Records Sticky and writes one of the comments as below or similarly.
- Department opens form, reads Sticky, and adds a reply as appropriate.
Course information on form inaccurate
- Records adds a Records Sticky and writes one of the comments as below or similarly.
- Department opens form, reads Sticky, and adds a reply as appropriate.
Contact Information
For general contact information including the Office of the Registrar phone number and hours of operation, visit Contact Us.