Budget Number Breakdown
This page is meant to help you understand what each part of a budget number represents. Budget numbers are always twenty digit numbers and take the following form:
Or, for example:
11 _ 051010000 _ 5003500 - Operating Fund, History Department, College Work Study Expense
The budget number is broken down further into the following segments:
11 | 051010000 | 5003500 | |||||||
Restriction | Use | Function | Program | Department | Activity | GL.ID | IRS Code | Sub Category | Type |
1 | 1 | 05 | 10 | 10 | 000 | 5 | 00 | 35 | 00 |
The following represent the first number of the Fund, Restriction:
1 - Unrestricted
2 - Temporarily
3 - Restricted
The following represent the second number of the Fund, Use:
1 - Operating/General
2 - Restricted
3 - Plant
4 - Endowment
5 - Loan
6 - Agency
7 - Life Trust
The following represent the first two numbers of the Major, Function:
00 - General
05 - Instruction
10 - Academic Support
15 - Research
20 - Public Service
25 - Library
30 - Student Service
35 - Institutional Support
40 - Physical Plant
45 - Student Aid
50 - Auxiliary Enterprise
55 - Endowment
60 - Capital Projects
65 - Fundraising
70 - Agency
The following represent the third and fourth number of the Major, Program under the Functional category 05 (Instruction):
0500 - General
0510 - College of Arts and Science
0520 - School of Education
0530 - School of Business and Management
0540 - Study Abroad Programs
0550 - Instructional Grants
0560 - Instructional Designations
0570 - Instructional Allocations
The following represent some of the fifth and sixth number of the Major, Department under the grouping 0510 (Instruction, College of Arts and Science):
051000 - General
051001 - Biology
051002 - Chemistry
051003 - English
051004 - Film Studies
051005 - Instructional Designations
051010 - History
The following represent some of the seventh, eighth and ninth number of the Major, Activity under the grouping 051010 (Instruction, College of Arts and Science, History):
051010000 - History Department General
051010001 - History Lecture Series
The following represent the First number of the Subclass, GL.ID:
1 - Asset
2 - Liability
3 - Equity/Roll Over Balance
4 - Revenue
5 - Expense
9 - Transfers
The following represent the second and third number of the Subclass, IRS code, under grouping 5 (Expenses):
500 - Salaries
505 - Taxes and Benefits
510 - Fees for Services
515 - Advertising and Promotion
520 - Office Expense and Administration
525 - Information Technology
530 - Royalties
535 - Occupancy
540 - Travel
545 - Internal and External Conference's/Meetings
550 - Insurance
555 - Other
560 - Library
565 - Financial Expense
570 - Capital Expense
575 - Agency Expense
580 - Allocated Expense
The following represent the forth and fifth number of the Subclass, Sub Category, under grouping 500 (Expenses, Salary):
50000 - Faculty
50005 - Administrators
50010 - Staff
50015 - Maintenance
50020 - Security
50025 - Temporary
50030 - Other
50035 - Student Workers
The following represent the sixth and seventh number of the Subclass, Type, under grouping 50035 (Expenses, Salary, Student Workers):
5003500 - College Work Study - Students
5003501 - Students - Other
5003502 - Student Stipends