Initial Grade Assignment/Change of Grade Instructions
The Initial Grade Assignment/Change of Grade eForm must be completed in addition to Loyola Self-Service grading. This form may be submitted to either assign or change a midterm or final grade for an individual student. Assigning grades for an entire roster due to NRs (Not Received) must be completed manually via paper (please see below*).
Accessing the Initial Grade Assignment/Change of Grade eForm:
Log into Inside Loyola, then select Loyola Self-Service > Briefcase/Daily Work icon on the left side menu > Faculty> Change of Grade Form.
Field-Specific Information:
The following sections correspond with fields on the Initial Grade Assignment/Change of Grade eForm. Please refer to the eForm while following along.
Type of Grade Assignment:
You must choose only one (1) Type of Grade Assignment per submission.
Midterm Grade:
- Assign a Midterm Grade (Instructor signature only)
- Change of Midterm Grade (Instructor signature only)
Incomplete Grade/Grade Later:
- Change an Incomplete or Grade Later to a final grade (Instructor signature only)
Final Grade:
- Assign Initial Final Grade (Instructor signature only)
- Change a final grade due to a computational error (Instructor and Department Chair signatures)
- Other extraordinary reasons requires the use of the Comments box.
- Appeal of Final Grade
- Requires Instructor and Dean (Academic Dean from one of the three schools) signatures
- For guidance on the Appeal of Final Grade, refer to the current, appropriate Loyola University Academic Catalogue
- Use the Comments box to state the reason for any CHANGE other than a computational, recording, or transmittal error.
Additional Notes:
- Forwarding to appropriate department chair and/or dean is an automated process based on the selection of CHANGE (For Final Grade) or APPEAL (For Final Grade) after submission.
- The form requires that you enter your Loyola username (email address without the and password twice: once to access the form, and again to submit.
* Grade rosters not submitted via Loyola Self-Service Grading prior to the grading deadlines must be submitted manually. Please print the grade roster from Loyola Self-Service > Faculty > click on Course Section Link > Roster , record the grade next to each student, sign and date the bottom of the roster, then submit the original roster to the Office of the Registrar in Maryland Hall, Room 141.
Contact Information:
For help with the Initial Grade Assignment/Change of Grade eForm, please contact Dayana Amaya at 410-617-5033 or