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Faculty Experts Guide Directory

Loyola College of Arts and Sciences

Topic Name/Title Areas of Expertise
 Biology David Rivers, Ph.D.
Professor of Biology
Insect biology; forensic entomology; and forensic science 
  Michael Tangrea, Ph.D.
Endowed Professor of Biology and SCI&E
Molecular diagnostics; precision medicine; medical devices; biomedical startups; business incubators 
  Christopher Thompson, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Biology
Microbiology, immunology, cell biology; infectious disease; complementary and alternative medicines
Chemistry Birgit Albrecht, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Chemistry
Computational chemistry; drug design
  Brian Barr, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Chemistry
Biochemistry, protein chemistry; biomass/bioenergy; biosynthesis of natural products
  Elizabeth Dahl, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Chemistry
Marine chemistry; atmospheric chemistry; analytical chemistry; Earth system science; environmental sustainability and climate change
  Jesse D. More, Ph.D.
Chair and Associate Professor of Chemistry
Organic chemistry; synthesis, medical chemistry

Martha C. Taylor, Ph.D.                            Chair and Professor of Classics and History

 Greek and Athenian history; Peloponnesian War; women in the ancient world; classical mythology
  Robert S. Miola, Ph.D.
Professor of Classics and Gerard Manley Hopkins Professor of English
Ancient World Greek and Latin; Shakespeare, early modern Catholicism; Renaissance drama
  Joseph J. Walsh, Ph.D.
Professor of Classics and History
Ancient Greek and Roman history; history of Christmas; the Classical tradition; early Christianity; the persecution of the Early Christians
Communication Sara Magee, Ph.D.
Chair of Communication
Broadcast journalism; popular culture issues; digital and social media

Neil Alperstein, Ph.D.
Emeritus Professor

Popular culture; advertising; virtual worlds; teaching with technology 
  Amy Bree Becker, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Communication
Use of Twitter for communication; Facebook, election polling; Saturday Night Live; satire, political comedy; public opinion toward same-sex marriage; science issues; political tolerance
  Greg Hoplamazian, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Communication and Academic Director, Emerging Media Master’s Program
Advertising & consumer identity; crisis communication on social media; and native advertising
  Elliott King, Ph.D.
Professor of Communication
Online journalism; press and politics; media culture and society; free speech; online learning; politics and the American news media; social media; celebrities and social media 
  Tania Cantrell Rosas-Moreno, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Communication
International communication; political communication; Brazil, media and diversity
  Karsonya (Kaye) Whitehead, Ph.D.
Professor of Communication
 Race, class and gender issues; diversity issues; 19th century Black history; Civil Rights movement
Computer Science David Binkley, Ph.D.
Professor of Computer Science
Software Engineering

Robert Pond, Jr., Ph.D.

Chair and Associate Professor of Engineering

  Robert T. Bailey, Ph.D.
Professor of Engineering
Risk and safety analysis of engineered systems; engineering education; heating and cooling energy use and efficiency
  Suzanne E. Keilson, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Engineering
Applied physics; engineering/science education especially for women and minorities; design education and user interface design; signal processing and biomedical sensory systems ; electronic and magnetic properties of materials
  Juniper L. Ellis, Ph.D.
Professor of English
Tattoo; humor literature and culture; 19th and 20th Century U.S., Maori and Pacific Islands literature; post-Colonial literature, 21st Century Literature 
  Kathleen Forni, Ph.D.
Professor of English
Chaucer, Beowulf, Middle Ages in popular culture
  Robert S. Miola, Ph.D.
Gerard Manley Hopkins Professor of English and Professor of Classics
Ancient World (Greek and Latin); Shakespeare; early modern Catholicism; Renaissance drama
Fine Arts Natka Bianchini, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Theatre
Theater history; contemporary drama; 20th century American theatre; Beckett and Theatre of the Absurd; women and gender studies; Queer theatre and film; women and gender studies 
  Jon Malis
Associate Professor of Fine Arts (Photography)
Digital color theory & applications; post-photographic processes; 3D printing & rapid prototyping in the arts; creative research; work deals primarily with the representation and display of visual imagery and information; focusing on how the viewer perceives and interprets the image based on its mode of presentation
  Barnaby Nygren, MFA
Associate Professor of Fine Arts (Art History)
Italian Renaissance art; Michelangelo, Latin American colonial art
  Daniel Schlapbach, MFA
Associate Professor of Fine Arts, Chair (Photography)
Photography, multimedia, contemporary art; the intersection of digital imaging with 19th century photographic techniques; particularly wet-plate collodion and stereo photography; the history of photography 
Global Studies/Political Science Mary Kate Schneider, Ph.D.
Director of Global Studies and Lecturer of Political Science
Global/international politics; conflict; peacebuilding; ethnic politics; nationalism; political violence; human rights; Bosnia-Herzegovina; Balkans; education, national, and civic identity

Carsten Vala, Ph.D.

Chair and Associate Professor of Political Science

Christianity in China; interactions between the Chinese Communist Party-state and Protestant Christianity; Chinese politics; Chinese globalization
History Rev. Charles Borges, S.J., Ph.D.
Associate Professor of History 
Jesuit history in Asia; Indian history; Indian-Portuguese relations
  David Carey, Jr., Ph.D.
Doehler Chair in History, Professor
Human rights; Native Americans; medicine and health; women's rights; environment 

Bahar Jalali, Ph.D.
Visiting Associate Professor of History

Afghanistan; protests against Taliban black hijab mandate
  Matthew Mulcahy, Ph.D.
Doehler Chair in History, Professor
Colonial America; history of disasters; hurricanes, Caribbean history
  Oghenetoja (Toja) Okoh, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of History 
Ethnicity, Ethnic politics; Ethnic violence; gender; minority identity; minority citizenship; civil society 
  Sara Scalenghe, Ph.D.
Chair and Associate Professor of History 
The Middle East and North Africa; disability
  Thomas Pegram, Ph.D.
Professor of History
Late 19th/early 20th-century American political and social history
  Joseph J. Walsh, Ph.D.
Professor of Classics and History
Ancient Greek and Roman history; history of Christmas; the Classical tradition; early Christianity; the persecution of the Early Christians
Mathematics and Statistics

Ethan Duckworth, Ph.D.

Chair and Associate Professor of Mathematics

Groups, Algebraic Groups, Representations, Algebra
  Michael P. Knapp, Ph.D.
Professor of Mathematics
Number theory
  Christopher H. Morrell, Ph.D.
Emeritus Professor of Mathematics
Statistics, longitudinal data/studies; medical statistics
  Lisa Oberbroeckling, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Mathematics
Functional analysis, operator theory, Banach algebras, generalized inverses
Modern Languages and Literatures    
  Margaret A. Haggstrom, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of French
Applied linguistics; foreign language pedagogy
  Inas Hassan, Ph.D.
Visiting Affiliate Assistant Professor of Arabic
Classical Arabic linguistics and modern linguistics theories
  Leslie Zarker Morgan, Ph.D.
Emerita Professor of Italian and French
Medieval Italian and French literatures and languages; the chanson de geste in France and its continuations in Italy
  Andrea Thomas, Ph.D.
Associate Chair and Associate Professor of French
19th and 20th century French literature and culture; the publishing industry in 19th century France and Belgium 
  Jinghua Wangling, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Chinese
Pre-modern Chinese literature
  Thomas Ward, Ph.D.
Professor of Spanish
Director, Latin American and Latino Studies
Spanish language; Latin American literatures and cultures; Peru and Central America;  Latin American Indigenous peoples in literature and the press; women in literature; colonialism and racism
Philosophy Richard Boothby, Ph.D.
Professor of Philosophy
Psychoanalytic theory; theories of consciousness and unconsciousness; contemporary continental philosophy; phenomenology and existentialism; history of philosophy
  Rev. John J. Conley, S.J., Ph.D.
Henry Knott Chair of Philosophy and Theology
French philosophy; ethics; bioethics; the Catholic Church; drama
  Bret W. Davis, Ph.D.
Professor and T. J. Higgins, S.J. Chair in Philosophy
Asian and comparative philosophy; Continental philosophy
  Joseph Farrell, Ph.D.
Lecturer of Philosophy
 Ethical theory; medical and business ethics

Jeffrey Witt, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Philosophy

 Digital humanities; Medieval philosophy
Physics Andrea Erdas, Ph.D.
Chair and Professor of Physics
Theoretical particle physics; neutrino physics; quantum field theory; the Casimir effect
  Joseph Ganem, Ph.D.
Professor of Physics
Author of the award-winning book: The Two Headed Quarter: How to See Through Deceptive Numbers and Save Money on Everything You Buy
  Inge Heyer, Ph.D.
Senior Lecturer of Physics
Astronomy, solar system; galactic astronomy; astronomy/physics education; STEM communication

Frank Golom, Ph.D.

Chair and Associate Professor of Psychology

Diversity and inclusion at work; organizational change and development; team effectiveness; LGBTQ issues
  Carolyn M. Barry, Ph.D.
Associate Dean for Social Sciences and Graduate Programs & Professor of Psychology
Close relationships in emerging adults' psychosocial adjustment; meaning-making in emerging adulthood

Diana Betz, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Psychology

Gender, stereotyping and prejudice; body image; media & body image; psychology experimental methods
  Sharon Green-Hennessy, Ph.D.
Professor of Psychology
Access to mental health treatment
  Rachel L. Grover, Ph.D.
Professor of Psychology
Child psychology; child anxiety; peer relations; adolescent and young adult romantic relationships
  Christopher Higginson, Ph.D.
Professor of Psychology
Clinical Neuropsychology
  Michiko Iwasaki, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Psychology
Long-term care/caregiving; dementia, racial microaggressions; interracial marriages; Asian mental health
  Matthew W. Kirkhart, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Psychology
Clinical psychology; medical psychology; learning; memory
  Beth A. Kotchik, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Psychology
Clinical psychology; child, adolescent and family psychology; parenting; bullying/relational aggression
  Jeffrey M. Lating, Ph.D.
Professor of Psychology
Posttraumatic stress disorder; critical incident stress
  Patrick LoPresto
Lecturer of Psychology & Director, Psychology Major Student Development, Clinical Professional Counseling Advisor
Adolescent and family issues; men's issues; clinical professional counseling advisor
  Heather Z. Lyons, Ph.D.
Professor of Psychology
Culture, discrimination and person-organization fit in the workplace; the work experience of those facing chronic unemployment; social cognitive influences on career expectations; training issues in multicultural psychology; qualitative research techniques
  Gina Magyar-Russell, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Psychology
Psychology of religion and spirituality; spiritually integrated psychotherapy; cognitive behavioral therapy
  Jason D. Parcover, Ph.D.
Director of the Counseling Center
College student counseling; marriage and family counseling; business ethics and corporate social responsibility
  Jason Prenoveau, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Psychology
Anxiety; anxiety disorders; fear conditioning; open science and reproducible science

Joshua Hendrick, Ph.D. 

Chair and Associate Professor of Sociology

Political sociology, social movements, the sociology of religion, human rights, and development studies with a primary regional focus in Turkey, and a secondary focus in the broader Middle East. 
Speech-Language Pathology/Audiology Marie Kerins, Ed.D.
Chair and Professor of Speech-Language Pathology/Audiology
Language and literacy
  Donna Pitts, Au.D.
Associate Professor of Speech-Language Pathology/Audiology
Recreational based noise induced hearing loss; hearing loss and public health
  Lisa Schoenbrodt, Ed.D.
Professor of Speech-Language Pathology/Audiology
Language disorders in children; service-learning in speech-language pathology
  Kathleen Ward, Au.D.
Clinical Faculty of Speech-Language Pathology/Audiology
Audiology, hearing aids; auditory processing; hearing loss; Auditory processing and struggling learners; hearing and balance disorder; hearing and balance disorders in the elderly; hearing aids 
Theology James J. Buckley, Ph.D.
Emeritus Professor of Theology
Modern/postmodern Christian theology; Christian theology of religions; Christian ecumenism
  Rebekah Eklund, Ph.D.
Professor of Theology 
Christian scripture and theology; Christian ethics; Gospels; Jesus of Nazareth; Jesus in film; lament; the beatitudes/Sermon on the Mount 
  Claire Mathews-McGinnis, Ph.D.
Professor of Theology
Biblical Hebrew; Old Testament; prophets; Biblical narrative; theological interpretation; feminist interpretation; minority interpretation; theological perspectives on the child and children; prayer and spirituality in the Christian traditions
  Arthur Sutherland, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Theology
 Theologies of patience; hospitality, generosity, and migration; African American theology
Writing Martin Camper, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Writing
Christian religion; rhetoric, biblical interpretation; style, disagreement
   Peggy O’Neill, Ph.D. 
Professor of Writing
Writing assessment, writing pedagogy
  Jane Satterfield, MFA
Associate Professor of Writing
Contemporary poetry; creative writing; memoir; mothering and literature; writing and the arts; reviewing

Sellinger School of Business and Management

Topic Name/Title  Areas of Expertise 
Accounting John Peter Krahel, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Accounting
Accounting standards; shift in accounting standards from rules-based to principles-focused
  Hong Zhu, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Accounting
Financial accounting; financial statement analysis; corporate governance; capital markets
Economics John D. Burger, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Economics
General macroeconomics; monetary policy; international finance; sports economics
  Lynne C. Elkes
Lecturer of Economics
Market movements; macroeconomics
  Jeremy Schwartz, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Economics 
Economics, labor economics; unemployment, social programs
  Kerria "Kerry" Tan, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Economics 
Industrial organization (i.e., how firms use different strategies to compete with other firms), pricing strategies in the airline industry 
Finance Lisa M. Fairchild, Ph.D.
Professor of Finance
Financial markets; fixed income securities; market regulation
  Karyl Leggio, Ph.D.
Professor of Finance
Finance, mergers and acquisitions; corporate lifecycle; energy and deregulation; telecommunications
Information Systems and Operations Management Gloria Phillips-Wren, Ph.D.
Professor of Information Systems and Operations Management
Decision support; data mining; global information technology; information technology strategy; intelligent decision support systems
  Paul Tallon, Ph.D.
Professor of Information Systems and Operations Management
Evaluation of IT investments; strategic alignment; data management; financial information systems
Law and Social Responsibility Rev. Timothy L. Brown, S.J., J.D. 
Associate Professor of Law and Social Responsibility
Special Assistant to the President for Mission Integration
Reflective leadership; Ignatian spirituality; law and ethics; literature
  Andrea Giampetro-Meyer, J.D.
Professor of Law and Social Responsibility
Race and gender discrimination in employment; ethics; corporate social responsibility
  Elizabeth J. Kennedy, J.D.
Associate Professor of Law and Social Responsibility
Labor and employment law; leveraged financing transactions
Management and International Business  Jeffrey L. Cummings, Ph.D.
Professor of Management and International Business
Knowledge transfer; business strategy; strategic alliances/collaborations; strategic off-sites; strategic organizational alignment
  Hung-bin Ding, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Management and International Business 
Family business, entrepreneurship, business strategy, environmental sustainability, development of 'green' products, business incubation and acceleration 
  John Michel, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Management
Industrial psychology; workplace issues; leadership, human resources; organizational culture
Marketing Gerard A. Athaide, Ph.D.
Professor of Marketing
Innovation management; new product development and management
  Richard Klink, Ph.D.
Professor of Marketing
  Marie Yeh, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Marketing
Social cause marketing; consumer behavior; media promotion campaigns
  Qiyu "Jason" Zhang, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Marketing

Marketing; consumer behavior; internet retailing; pharmaceutical industry; consumer packaged goods

School of Education

Topic  Name/Title  Areas of Expertise 
Educational Leadership Peter R. Litchka, Ed.D.
Professor of Education 
Educational leadership 
Education Specialties Irene Bal
Lecturer of Education Technology
Technology integration in the Visual and Performing Arts; engagement with adult learners; professional development in the workplace; and distance learning in classrooms and for professional development
  Stephanie Flores-Koulish, Ph.D. 
Professor of Education and Director of the Curriculum & Instruction for Social Justice Program
Education policy; children and media; popular culture
  Marie Heath, Ed.D.
Assistant Professor of Education Technology
Social studies and technology centers inquiry on young people; technology use; and civic engagement in online and offline spaces
  Kelly Keane, Ed.D.
Senior Lecturer and Director of the Educational Technology Program
Online teaching and learning

David Marcovitz, Ph.D.
Associate Dean of the School of Education and Professor of Educational Technology

 The digital divide, social justice in educational technology
  Myra J. Smith, Ed.D.
Senior Lecturer of Educational Leadership
Educational leadership; professional learning communities; principal leadership 
  Joseph Stewart-Sicking, Ed.D.
Professor of Education Specialties
Spirituality in counseling; pastoral care and counseling; spiritual direction; counseling and autism spectrum 
School Counseling Gayle Cicero, Ed.D. 
Clinical Assistant Professor
Trauma, ethics, clinical supervision; online teaching and counseling; systems and organizational change; and mindfulness
Teacher Education Kristina Collins
Division Director of Literacy at Loyola Clinical Centers
Language, literacy, culture, teacher development and training
  Margarita Gomez, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Literacy Education
Understanding the writing development of culturally and linguistically diverse (CLD)  learners and improving the literacy achievement of CLD students in urban settings
  Afra Hersi, Ph.D. 
Dean of the School of Education
Professor of Literacy Teacher Education
Teacher education; culturally and linguistically responsive education; and adolescent English learners’ literacy practices and learning across social and ed
  Leah Saal, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Teacher Education
Intersectionality of literacy and social justice 
  Stacy Williams
Chair of Teacher Education and Coordinator of Clinical Experiences, Initial Certification
 Back-to-school issues; teacher preparation and clinical practice; supporting early career and in-service teachers; inquiry-based science education.